Who is John Turmel? - Milton - Independent - LykElect.com
John Turmel

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John Turmel - Milton

2024 Milton provincial By-Election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Milton - Independent - Canada

Who is John Turmel?

John C. Turmel, born on February 22, 1951, in Rouyn, Quebec, Canada, is a perennial political candidate known for holding the Guinness World Records for the most elections contested and most elections lost.

He has run in 108 elections and lost 107 of them. Turmel describes himself as a "Libertarian Socred," supporting ideas related to the social credit theory of monetary reform.

Political Career and Activism:

Turmel has been active in various political parties throughout his career. He started in the Social Credit Party of Canada and then founded several of his own parties, including the Christian Credit Party, the Abolitionist Party, and the Pauper Party of Ontario.

His platforms have often focused on the legalization of gambling and marijuana, the adoption of Local Employment Trading Systems (LETS), and monetary reform to eliminate interest on loans.

Controversies and Legal Challenges:

Turmel has been involved in multiple legal issues primarily related to his gambling activities, leading to several arrests and convictions throughout the 1980s and 1990s. His activism also extends to frequent protests against major Canadian banks, criticizing their role in promoting poverty through interest charges.

Recent Political Engagements:

In recent years, Turmel founded the Pauper Party of Ontario, through which he has continued his advocacy against usury and for social reforms including the legalization of drugs and gambling. Despite his numerous electoral defeats, he remains an active figure in Canadian politics, often using his campaigns as a platform to promote his social and economic theories.

Legacy and Public Perception:

Despite his unconventional political career and numerous electoral failures, Turmel's persistent activism and unique campaigning style have made him a notable figure in Canadian political culture. His efforts have sparked discussions on various social issues, although they have seldom translated into electoral success.

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