Who is John Waters? - Midlands–North-West - Independent - LykElect.com
John Waters

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John Waters - Midlands–North-West

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Midlands–North-West - Independent - Ireland

Who is John Waters?

John Augustine Waters was born on May 28, 1955, in Castlerea, County Roscommon, Ireland. Waters overcame alcohol addiction in 1989, an experience he credits with transforming his life.

He married Rita Simons in December 2014, and from a previous relationship with singer Sinéad O'Connor, he has a daughter, born in 1996 in London.


Waters began his career in 1981, writing for the Irish political and music magazine Hot Press and later for the Sunday Tribune. He became editor of In Dublin magazine from 1985 to 1987 and edited the investigative magazine Magill.

Waters gained prominence as a columnist for The Irish Times from 1990 to 2014 and later for the Irish Independent. His career includes a stint as a judge on RTÉ's Dragons Den from 2012 to 2014.

He has authored several books, and in 1998, he devised The Whoseday Book, raising €3 million for the Irish Hospice Foundation.

Politics and Advocacy:

Waters has been an active participant in various cultural and political campaigns. He was a member of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland until his resignation in January 2014.

Waters ran unsuccessfully in the 2020 Irish general election in the Dún Laoghaire constituency as an independent under the banner of Gemma O'Doherty's far-right group, Anti-Corruption Ireland, receiving 1.48% of first preference votes. Waters also engaged in controversial public debates, including opposing the marriage equality referendum in Ireland in 2015 and advocating for a 'No' vote.

He has been involved in several legal actions, including a High Court challenge against the constitutionality of COVID-19 laws in Ireland, which was ultimately dismissed.

Media Contributions and Public Speaking:

Waters is known for his forthright views on contemporary social issues, contributing to various media platforms and speaking at public events. He has discussed topics ranging from rural-urban divides in Ireland to criticisms of modern cultural trends, including his opposition to what he perceives as excessive political correctness and the erosion of traditional values.


John Waters is a prolific author, with works including "Jiving at the Crossroads," "An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Ireland," and "Give Us Back the Bad Roads." His writings often explore the intersections of culture, politics, and personal identity in contemporary Ireland.

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