Who is Jonathan Swales? - Stray, Woodlands and - Reform Uk - LykElect.com
Jonathan Swales

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Jonathan Swales - Stray, Woodlands And Hookstone

2024 British Local Government Election - Councillor Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Who is Jonathan Swales?

Reform UK has confirmed Jonathan Swales as their candidate for the upcoming by-election for the North Yorkshire Council seat in the Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division, set for 11 April 2024. This by-election follows the resignation of Councillor Patricia Marsh from the Liberal Democrats.

Swales, a Harrogate native with deep ties to the area, brings a blend of local connection and extensive professional experience to his candidacy. Educated locally and holding an MBA from Leeds University Business School, Swales has accumulated significant management and business expertise through senior roles in the construction industry.

His family has a notable history in the region, having founded Yorkshire Farmers Limited and Swales (Harrogate) Wholesale Fruit & Veg businesses. Married to Helen, a former teacher and fine artist, they have two grown-up children, further anchoring his connection to the community.

In his campaign, Swales emphasizes his Harrogate roots and his understanding of both local and national issues impacting the community. He expresses a commitment to addressing local concerns, particularly those overlooked by national discourse, and pledges to ensure local voices are heard and represented effectively.

Swales is already active in local politics, supporting Richard Brown, the Reform UK Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough. Brown, acknowledging Swales' contributions, highlighted the growth of Reform UK both locally and nationally, suggesting Swales' potential impact as a council member.

Reform UK leader Richard Tice remarked on the party's expanding influence, noting recent successes, including the addition of the party's first North Yorkshire Councillor in the Selby area. Tice views the Harrogate by-election as an opportunity to further demonstrate Reform UK's growing support and to challenge the traditional Conservative-Liberal Democrat rivalry in the area.

Swales outlines several priority issues for his campaign, including the Harrogate Gateway Project and local planning matters. He criticizes the lack of engagement from local councillors on these issues and pledges to work towards better outcomes for the town center and the Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division, addressing concerns such as potholes, traffic, and parking pressures from schools and the hospital.

Encouraging residents to exercise their right to vote, Swales positions himself as a candidate committed to representing the community's interests and bringing about tangible improvements to the local area.

What are Jonathan Swales's Political Values?

Jonathan Swales is a member of the Reform Uk Party.

Reform UK presents itself as a political alternative to the traditional two-party system in Britain, criticizing both the Conservative and Labour parties for their perceived failures. The party positions itself as a champion of common sense, aiming to address the numerous crises it perceives in British society, from immigration and public spending to healthcare and energy policies.

Freeze on Non-Essential Immigration:

Reform UK proposes a strict limit on non-essential immigration, arguing that it will alleviate pressure on housing, public services, and wages, and protect British culture and values. The party plans to implement a robust strategy to prevent illegal immigration, including detaining and deporting illegal migrants and ending health tourism and immediate access to benefits for new arrivals.

Tax Reductions and Incentives:

The economic strategy includes significant tax cuts aimed at boosting the income of the working class and incentivizing small businesses. Key measures include raising the income tax threshold, reducing corporation tax for small and medium-sized enterprises, and abolishing certain business taxes to encourage investment and economic growth.

Zero NHS Waiting Lists and Tax Breaks:

Reform UK seeks to eliminate NHS waiting lists and proposes tax breaks for healthcare workers to address staff shortages. The party advocates for using private healthcare capacity to alleviate the burden on the NHS, suggesting a voucher system for patients facing long wait times.

Rejection of Net Zero Goals:

A controversial aspect of their platform is the rejection of Net Zero carbon goals, which the party claims are economically damaging. Reform UK intends to revive the domestic oil and gas industries, reduce reliance on renewable energy subsidies, and explore new nuclear technology without the constraints of current environmental regulations.

Strengthening Law and Order:

The party pledges to increase police numbers, implement zero tolerance policies on crime, and expedite the deportation of foreign criminals. It also aims to reform the justice system by mandating life sentences for repeat violent offenders and enhancing the budget for criminal justice.

Constitutional and Democratic Reforms:

Reform UK calls for significant constitutional reforms, including leaving the European Convention on Human Rights, reforming the House of Lords, and introducing a proportional representation voting system. These changes are aimed at making Britain's political system more democratic and accountable.

A Call for Radical Change:

Reform UK’s platform is built on a foundation of radical change across multiple sectors of government and society. The party seeks to dismantle what it views as failed policies and replace them with a framework that prioritizes British sovereignty, cultural identity, and economic independence.

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