Who is Kath Down? - Gold Coast City Divi - Independent - LykElect.com
Kath Down

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Kath Down - Gold Coast City Division 14

2024 Queensland Local Council Election - Councilor Candidate - March, 16, 2024

Electorate of Gold Coast City Division 14 - Independent - Australia

Who is Kath Down?

Kath Down, a dedicated resident of the southern Gold Coast for 27 years, is a proud mother with strong ties to PBC High School and local sports, and a fervent advocate for her community. With a background in business and pharmaceuticals, Kath has transitioned her skills into community service, founding and leading the Save Our Southern Gold Coast team to protect the region from the impacts of the Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 and overdevelopment.

Through rallies, public forums, and online efforts, she educates the community about developments and advocates for environmental conservation, marine protection, and the rights of local businesses affected by overdevelopment and Light Rail construction. Kath also represents Kirra Beach Tourist Park permanent residents, addressing concerns about potential evictions and advocating for their rights, while prioritizing fast intercity heavy rail and zero-emission transport for sustainable town planning, transparency, and accountability in governance and decision-making processes.

Utilizing her media contacts, Kath strives to bring integrity and transparency to government bodies, addressing critical issues such as the cost of living, housing, transport, youth crime, environment, and health.

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