Who is Laura Keyes? - Limerick - Rabharta - LykElect.com
Laura Keyes

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Laura Keyes - Limerick

2024 Limerick Mayoral Election - Mayor Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Limerick - Rabharta - Ireland

Who is Laura Keyes?

Dr Laura Keyes is a long-standing resident of Limerick, deeply embedded in her community with a profound understanding of public health. She holds a PhD in Public Health and a Fellowship in Epidemiology.

Laura's educational journey began at Salesians Primary School, continuing through Laurel Hill Coláiste, followed by a degree in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork. She furthered her studies with a three-year fellowship at Cambridge University, focusing on epidemiology and leadership.

Professional Achievements and Community Engagement:

Laura has a robust background in health science and community service. She has held senior positions in academia and the public sector, contributing significantly to public health and social care services.

Laura's work includes a £2.2M funded project aimed at improving food security and health in Cameroon and a community outreach program in Manchester that emphasized nutritional education and sustainable health practices.

Political Vision and Advocacy:

Since her diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in 2021, Laura has been motivated to enhance accessibility and support for people with disabilities and carers, which led her to join Rabharta. She is committed to a person-centered approach in politics, emphasizing transparency and inclusivity in her campaign and mayoral program.

Campaign Focus:

Keyes is focused on improving social care services, advocating for open access to publicly funded data, and ensuring that local government decisions are made with strong community involvement and respect for individual needs. Her campaign stresses the importance of accessibility, inclusivity, and practical solutions to local issues, reflecting her personal experiences and professional insights into healthcare and governance.

What are Laura Keyes's Political Values?

Laura Keyes is a member of the Rabharta Party.

Rabharta, previously known as An Rabharta Glas - Green Left, is a political party in Ireland that emerged from a split with the Green Party. It was officially established on June 5, 2021, by founders Lorna Bogue and Liam Sinclair.

The party identifies strongly with left-wing, eco-socialist ideologies, advocating for a transformative approach to both environmental and social issues.

With its slogan "Environment and Equality" (Irish:

Comhshaol agus Comhionannas), Rabharta emphasizes the interconnection between ecological sustainability and social equity.

Ideological Framework:

Rabharta's political stance is rooted in eco-socialism, which integrates concerns about ecological sustainability with socialist economic principles. The party critiques the current capitalist systems, which they argue prioritize profit over people and the planet.

Rabharta's ideology is a response to what they perceive as the failures of traditional green politics, which they believe often compromise too much on environmental issues. Instead, they propose a more radical restructuring of society to prevent environmental degradation and promote social justice.

Eco-socialist Approach:

The party's approach to eco-socialism involves a detailed critique of neoliberal economic policies and their impact on both the environment and social structures. Rabharta advocates for significant reforms in various sectors, including agriculture, energy, and manufacturing, to achieve decarbonization and sustainable practices.

They propose a shift away from "green capitalism" and insist on integrating eco-socialist principles into all areas of governance and economic planning.

State Intervention:

Rabharta supports strong state intervention in the economy to counteract what it sees as the detrimental influence of corporate interests. This includes revising tax policies, regulating industries more stringently to enforce environmental standards, and taking proactive measures to ensure economic activities contribute positively to society and the environment.

Housing and Healthcare:

Rabharta places a strong emphasis on improving the housing and healthcare systems in Ireland. They advocate for a model of public housing that is not only environmentally sustainable but also accessible and affordable for all citizens.

In healthcare, they push for a universal system that integrates principles of fairness and inclusivity, ensuring that all individuals have access to high-quality medical care regardless of their economic status.

Education and Equality:

The party believes in free, high-quality education for all, arguing that an informed and educated populace is crucial for the functioning of a truly democratic society. Rabharta also emphasizes the importance of social equality, advocating for policies that address disparities in income, rights, and opportunities among different segments of the population.

Political Engagement and Representation:

Rabharta is committed to active engagement in Ireland's political landscape. They aim to challenge the existing political order by participating in elections and influencing policy through both parliamentary and grassroots strategies.

The party stresses the importance of community-based activism and the empowerment of local groups to bring about substantial and lasting change. Rabharta is a party that seeks to radically alter the political and economic landscape of Ireland to foster a society that prioritizes environmental sustainability and social justice.

Their approach combines rigorous eco-socialist principles with a strong commitment to community empowerment and state intervention to address the challenges of the contemporary political and ecological climate.

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