Who is M. Côme Citroen? - Paris 3ème circonscr - Eco - LykElect.com
M. Côme Citroen

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M. Côme Citroen - Paris 3Ème Circonscription

2024 French Legislative general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - June, 30, 2024

Who is M. Côme Citroen?

M. Côme Citroen is a Eco candidate for Paris 3ème circonscription seat in the 2024 French Legislative General Election.

M. Côme Citroen is competing against 7 other candidates for the French Republic, République Française seat of Paris 3ème circonscription.

What are M. Côme Citroen's Political Values?

M. Côme Citroen is a member of the Eco Party.

The French political party ECO (Écologiste), representing green or environmentalist parties, has undergone significant development over the years. Initially formed as Europe Ecology – The Greens (Europe Écologie Les Verts, EELV), the party aimed to bring together environmentalists and social activists to address ecological and social issues.

It rebranded to "The Ecologists" in 2023 to better reflect its evolving focus and broader appeal​.

Climate Change Mitigation:

The Ecologists prioritize reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources. They advocate for a significant reduction in nuclear energy reliance, aiming to reduce it from 75% to 50% by 2025​.

Biodiversity Protection:

The party emphasizes the importance of protecting natural habitats and biodiversity. They support sustainable agricultural practices and oppose genetically modified organisms (GMOs)​.


The Ecologists propose implementing eco-taxes on carbon emissions and other pollutants to incentivize greener practices and fund environmental initiatives​.

Green Economy:

The party advocates for a green economy that balances economic growth with environmental sustainability. They support green jobs and industries, promoting innovation in sustainable technologies and practices​.

Social Justice:

The Ecologists emphasize the need for social justice, proposing policies that address income inequality and support marginalized communities. They seek to ensure that the transition to a green economy benefits all citizens, particularly those in vulnerable positions​.

Public Health and Quality of Life:

The party focuses on improving public health through policies that reduce pollution and promote clean air and water. They also advocate for sustainable urban planning that enhances the quality of life in cities​.

Coalition and Electoral Performance:

The Ecologists have often collaborated with other left-wing parties to strengthen their political influence. They are a key component of the New Ecological and Social People's Union (NUPES), a coalition that includes La France Insoumise (LFI), the French Communist Party (PCF), and the Socialist Party (PS).

This coalition aims to unite the left around common goals of ecological sustainability and social equity​. In recent elections, the Ecologists have seen mixed results.

They performed strongly in the 2019 European elections, winning 13.5% of the vote and securing 13 seats in the European Parliament. Their success continued in the 2020 municipal elections, where they won control of several major cities including Lyon, Strasbourg, and Bordeaux​.

Future Outlook:

The Ecologists continue to advocate for a comprehensive approach to environmental and social issues, aiming to build a sustainable and just society. Their participation in coalitions like NUPES highlights their commitment to broader progressive goals, positioning them as a pivotal force in French politics​​.

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