Who is M. Daniel Leca? - Oise 6ème circonscri - Udi - LykElect.com
M. Daniel Leca

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M. Daniel Leca - Oise 6Ème Circonscription

2024 French Legislative general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - June, 30, 2024

Who is M. Daniel Leca?

M. Daniel Leca is a Udi candidate for Oise 6ème circonscription seat in the 2024 French Legislative General Election.

M. Daniel Leca is competing against 7 other candidates for the French Republic, République Française seat of Oise 6ème circonscription.

What are M. Daniel Leca's Political Values?

M. Daniel Leca is a member of the Udi Party.

The Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) is a centrist to center-right political party in France, established in 2012 by Jean-Louis Borloo. It was created as a coalition of various smaller centrist and center-right parties to provide an alternative to the traditional right-wing and left-wing political structures in France.

The party often collaborates with Les Républicains (LR) in electoral contexts.

Economic Liberalism:

UDI advocates for economic policies that support free markets and entrepreneurship. This includes reducing regulatory burdens on businesses and encouraging innovation and competitiveness within the European and global markets.

Social Progress:

The party emphasizes social justice, with policies aimed at improving social welfare systems, education, and healthcare. UDI supports moderate social reforms that balance economic growth with social protection.

European Integration:

A staunch supporter of the European Union, UDI promotes deeper integration within the EU, believing that a strong and unified Europe is essential for the future prosperity and security of its member states.

Technological Investment:

UDI’s recent policy proposals include significant investments in technology and research and development to reduce dependency on foreign digital companies. This is seen as crucial for maintaining European technological sovereignty.


The party supports giving more autonomy to regions and municipalities, believing that decentralizing power can lead to more effective and responsive governance.

Environmental Policies:

UDI is committed to fighting climate change by aiming for carbon neutrality through increased use of renewable energy sources and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, including nuclear power.

Immigration and Social Policy:

UDI takes a balanced approach to immigration, advocating for policies that ensure integration while maintaining social cohesion. The party emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues at the European level to find comprehensive solutions.

Institutional Reforms:

UDI calls for reforms in social and fiscal policies, including the establishment of new governmental bodies like the State Secretary of African Affairs to enhance France’s international relations, particularly with African countries.

Leadership and Influence:

Hervé Marseille is the current president of UDI. Under his leadership, the party has focused on revitalizing its membership and regional structures.

Marseille emphasizes the party’s independent stance, willing to collaborate on necessary legislative texts but maintaining autonomy on key issues like pension reform and immigration.

Electoral Performance:

While UDI's presence in the National Assembly and European Parliament has fluctuated, it continues to play a significant role in French politics by forming alliances and influencing policy through its centrist positions.

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