Who is M. Mohamed Awad? - Seine-Saint-Denis 4è - Fi - LykElect.com
M. Mohamed Awad

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M. Mohamed Awad - Seine-Saint-Denis 4Ème Circonscription

2024 French Legislative general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - June, 30, 2024

Who is M. Mohamed Awad?

M. Mohamed Awad is a Fi candidate for Seine-Saint-Denis 4ème circonscription seat in the 2024 French Legislative General Election.

M. Mohamed Awad is competing against 7 other candidates for the French Republic, République Française seat of Seine-Saint-Denis 4ème circonscription.

What are M. Mohamed Awad's Political Values?

M. Mohamed Awad is a member of the Fi Party.

La France Insoumise (LFI), also known as "France Unbowed," is a left-wing populist political party in France, founded in 2016 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It aims to implement the eco-socialist and democratic socialist programme titled "L'Avenir en commun" (A Shared Future).

The party positions itself against neoliberalism and supports a souverainist approach, advocating for greater national sovereignty and skepticism towards the European Union.

Founding and Leadership:

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the founder of LFI, launched the party after serving as a Member of the European Parliament and co-president of the Left Party. Under his leadership, LFI has sought to challenge the traditional political establishment in France, promoting a vision of society that prioritizes social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equality.

Electoral Performance:

In the 2017 presidential election, Mélenchon was the LFI candidate, securing 19.6% of the vote and narrowly missing the second round. Following the 2017 legislative elections, LFI formed a parliamentary group with 17 members in the National Assembly.

Despite lower-than-expected results in the 2019 European Parliament election, the party continued to be a significant force in French politics. In the 2022 presidential election, Mélenchon garnered substantial support, finishing third in the first round with 7.7 million votes.

Increase in Salaries:

LFI proposes raising the minimum wage (SMIC) to EUR 1400 per month. This increase is aimed at ensuring that all workers can meet their basic needs.

Additionally, they plan to reduce the wage gap within companies by limiting the disparity between the highest and lowest salaries.

Universal Basic Income:

LFI advocates for a universal basic income of EUR 1,063 per month for all citizens aged 18 and above. This measure is intended to provide financial security and reduce poverty.

Fair Taxation:

The party supports a progressive tax system with 14 tax brackets to ensure that the wealthy contribute their fair share. They aim to restore and strengthen the wealth tax (ISF) and introduce a universal tax to prevent tax evasion by wealthy individuals who move abroad.

Price Controls and Free Essentials:

LFI plans to regulate the prices of essential goods such as fuel, food, and energy. They propose providing free access to a minimum amount of water, electricity, and gas, as well as making sanitary pads and tampons available at no cost.

The Green Rule:

LFI promotes a "green rule" to ensure sustainable use of natural resources. This rule would be enshrined in law and would mandate that only resources that can be regenerated by nature are used.

Renewable Energy Transition:

The party aims to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. They plan to phase out nuclear power and end state aid for fossil fuels.

Investments will be made in renewable energy infrastructure and improving the efficiency of energy-consuming devices.

Pollution Reduction:

LFI plans to invest heavily in reducing pollution across all sectors. They will set targets for large companies to decrease their environmental impact and promote the use of clean technologies.

Sustainable Agriculture:

LFI intends to ban dangerous agricultural chemicals, reduce the use of fertilizers, and promote organic farming. They aim to make school canteens fully organic and support local food production.

Housing for All:

LFI plans to build a significant number of public housing units and renovate poorly insulated homes. They will implement rent controls and ensure that no one is homeless by enforcing the rental of empty properties.

Healthcare Access:

The party advocates for the hiring of more healthcare workers, reopening emergency services and maternity wards, and ensuring that all medical care is fully reimbursed by the national health insurance (Secu). They also plan to address regional disparities in healthcare access.


LFI aims to make education free from preschool to university, including meals, transport, books, and supplies. They propose extending the professional baccalaureate to four years and reducing class sizes to 19 students by 2027.

Gender Equality:

The party seeks to enforce equal pay for men and women, increase penalties for companies that fail to comply, and promote gender parity in politics, administration, unions, and associations. They also plan to combat gender-based violence and support family planning services.

New Constitution:

LFI advocates for drafting a new constitution through a constituent assembly composed of randomly selected citizens. This new constitution would increase democratic participation and reduce presidential powers.

Citizen-Initiated Referendums:

The party proposes introducing a system of citizen-initiated referendums (RIC), allowing citizens to propose or repeal laws and hold elected officials accountable.

Voting Reforms:

LFI plans to lower the voting age to 16, make voting compulsory, and ensure that blank votes are counted. They aim to simplify electoral processes and increase civic participation.

Secular Republic:

The party emphasizes the importance of secularism in politics, proposing to end state funding for religious institutions and ensuring that everyone has the freedom to choose their religion without government influence.

Peace and Independence:

LFI promotes France's independence in global affairs and advocates for peace. They support strengthening international relations to prevent wars and emphasize the role of the United Nations in maintaining global peace.

NATO and Military Policies:

The party seeks to gradually withdraw France from NATO and convert private arms manufacturers into public companies. They also propose making military service optional and offering alternative citizen service options for young people.

Humane Treatment of Foreigners:

LFI advocates for humane treatment of immigrants and refugees. They aim to improve living conditions in countries of origin to reduce forced migration and ensure proper reception and integration of newcomers in France.

Justice System:

LFI plans to hire more judicial staff to reduce case backlogs, ensure that justice is accessible to the poor by covering legal expenses, and combat financial crimes such as tax and social security fraud. They also propose reopening community courts and making justice independent of the government.

Arts and Culture:

The party intends to increase funding for arts and culture, make museum entries free on certain days, and create jobs in the cultural sector, particularly for young people. They also plan to support intermittent workers in the entertainment industry and establish a National Artist-Support Centre.

Equality and Anti-Discrimination:

LFI is committed to combating all forms of discrimination in employment, housing, education, and healthcare. They propose establishing a Discrimination Observatory to monitor and address these issues and aim to ensure real equality for all, including the disabled and LGBTQ+ communities.

Technological and Ecological Progress:

The party emphasizes the importance of protecting and studying the sea, space, and information technology as future activities. They advocate for public ownership of large-scale computer and telecommunications facilities and aim to provide free Internet access for all by 2025.

Programme Financing:

To finance their extensive programme, LFI plans to implement fairer taxation, combat tax fraud, and stimulate job creation to increase state revenue. They prioritize significant investments in ecology and public services, ensuring that funds are directed towards improving the lives of French citizens.

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