Who is Margaret Maguire? - Midlands–North-West - Ireland First - LykElect.com
Margaret Maguire

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Margaret Maguire - Midlands–North-West

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Who is Margaret Maguire?

Margaret "Alacoque" Maguire was born in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Ireland.

She spent the majority of her life in the United Kingdom. Alacoque is a self-employed businesswoman and a mother, emphasizing the preservation of the nation as her top priority.

Professional and Political Career:

Alacoque has a profound understanding of Irish and international politics and holds a strong appreciation for the Irish Constitution. She is a key figure in Ireland First, a political party she co-founded, focusing on constitutional matters, policies, and strategic planning.

Alacoque's commitment to Ireland is unwavering, having explored various political parties before recognizing the need for a leader with a full package of qualities. Along with Sarah, the Party Secretary, she approached Derek to lead Ireland First.

Political Aspirations:

Alacoque plans to contest both local and state elections in her area. She will run for local elections in Mullingar and state elections in Longford-Westmeath.

Her involvement spans across the Midlands-North-West region, which includes Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Kildare, Leitrim, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon, Sligo, Westmeath, Laois, and Offaly.

What are Margaret Maguire's Political Values?

Margaret Maguire is a member of the Ireland First Party.

Ireland First is a center-right nationalist political party in Ireland, advocating for policies that prioritize the interests of Ireland and its people. Led by Derek Blighe, a Cork native, the party emerged from a grassroots movement fueled by dissatisfaction with existing nationalist parties and aims to empower ordinary Irish citizens in the political process.

National Sovereignty and Identity:

Ireland First emphasizes Irish sovereignty, culture, and identity. The party advocates for the use of the Irish language, promotion of Irish culture, and legislation that requires immigrants to respect Irish customs and laws.

It also supports a unified Ireland and proposes a referendum to this end, reflecting the will of the people in both the North and South.

Immigration and Citizenship:

The party advocates for strict immigration controls to ensure that the non-Irish population does not exceed 10% and supports policies that benefit Ireland rather than burden its welfare system. Ireland First proposes the deportation of illegal migrants and believes citizenship should be a privilege granted only to those who significantly contribute to the country.

Housing and Homelessness:

Addressing the housing crisis and homelessness is a central issue for Ireland First. The party attributes these issues to irresponsible immigration policies and proposes building modular homes to assist first-time buyers and those on minimum wage.

Additionally, it advocates providing safe accommodation and necessary support for homeless individuals facing challenges like substance abuse or mental health issues.

Economic Independence and Energy:

The party aims for Ireland to become a self-sustaining nation, free from the influence of external organizations and unelected bureaucrats. It supports leaving the EU, subject to a referendum, and advocates for energy independence by exploring options like nuclear power and utilizing natural resources like turf.

Climate Change and Agriculture:

Ireland First is critical of current climate change policies, which it views as overly restrictive. The party supports rolling back these policies, including the abolition of the carbon tax.

It also emphasizes food security and the support of local agriculture to ensure self-sufficiency.

Pro-Life Stance:

Ireland First holds a pro-life stance and advocates for a future referendum to address abortion, emphasizing the need for informed and balanced debate.

Protection of the Family Unit:

The party believes that parents should be the primary educators of their children, especially on sensitive topics like sex education and gender identity. It opposes the imposition of such discussions in schools without parental consent.

Constitutional Republic:

Ireland First is committed to promoting freedom of expression and civil liberties. It opposes unnecessary lockdowns and advocates for proportional public health measures that respect individual freedoms.

The party seeks to address legal imbalances and ensure fairness and equality for all, including the immediate revocation of citizenship and deportation of foreign-born nationals who commit crimes. Ireland First positions itself as a defender of Irish values, sovereignty, and independence, focusing on direct democracy to engage citizens actively in the political process.

Its policies reflect a blend of nationalism, cultural preservation, and economic self-sufficiency, aiming to address the pressing issues facing Ireland today through a platform of reform and citizen empowerment.

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