Who is Mme Marguerite Pierre? - Paris 18ème circonsc - Rec - LykElect.com
Mme Marguerite Pierre

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Mme Marguerite Pierre - Paris 18Ème Circonscription

2024 French Legislative general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - June, 30, 2024

Who is Mme Marguerite Pierre?

Mme Marguerite Pierre is a Rec candidate for Paris 18ème circonscription seat in the 2024 French Legislative General Election.

Mme Marguerite Pierre is competing against 7 other candidates for the French Republic, République Française seat of Paris 18ème circonscription.

What are Mme Marguerite Pierre's Political Values?

Mme Marguerite Pierre is a member of the Rec Party.

Reconquête, also known as REC (Reconquête!), is a right-wing nationalist political party in France, founded in late 2021 by Éric Zemmour. The party's policies are strongly focused on issues of national identity, immigration, and security.

Identity and Immigration:

One of the primary concerns of Reconquête is the preservation of French national identity. The party advocates for strict immigration controls and has proposed measures to reduce immigration significantly.

They emphasize the importance of assimilation for those who do immigrate, promoting a vision of a homogenous French culture.

Islam and Secularism:

The party takes a hard stance against what it sees as the Islamization of France. Zemmour and his party have frequently highlighted the need to combat radical Islam and have called for the enforcement of strict secularism in public life, aiming to reduce the influence of Islamic practices and symbols.


Reconquête places a high priority on law and order. The party advocates for a robust response to crime, including increasing police numbers, tougher sentencing, and expanding the use of technology and surveillance to combat criminal activity.

Education and Industry:

The party believes in strengthening the French educational system to instill national values and improve competitiveness. They also support policies that would bolster French industry and reduce dependence on foreign manufacturing.

European Parliament and International Stance:

In the European Parliament, Reconquête has joined the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, aligning with other right-wing parties across Europe to influence EU policies. Internationally, the party promotes a foreign policy that prioritizes French sovereignty and interests, often criticizing globalist agendas.

These positions reflect the party’s broader ideological stance, which is rooted in French nationalism, conservatism, and a reaction against progressive and globalist trends

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