Who is Natasha Ledger? - Northern Tablelands - Independent - LykElect.com
Natasha Ledger

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Natasha Ledger - Northern Tablelands

2024 Northern Tablelands state by-election - State Mp Candidate - June, 22, 2024

Electorate of Northern Tablelands - Independent - Australia

Who is Natasha Ledger?

Natasha Ledger's upbringing provided her with a profound connection to both urban and rural landscapes. Her formative years involved significant interactions with both the bustling city life of Sydney and the tranquil rural settings of New South Wales.

This dual exposure has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by constituents in both environments. Natasha credits her balanced view on political and social issues to this bicultural background, which has shaped her approach to governance and community service.

Environmental Advocacy and Policies:

Natasha has been particularly vocal about the need for environmental stewardship and sustainable resource management. Her advocacy is driven by firsthand experiences, such as witnessing the impact of infrastructure projects that encroach on farmland and natural habitats.

She is deeply invested in sustainable agricultural practices, evidenced by her involvement in beekeeping and farming activities that respect ecological balances. Her policy proposals include.

Comprehensive Water Management:

Expansion of regional water supplies through innovative projects like the Bradfield scheme, which involves constructing a series of dams to facilitate better water management and distribution.

Protection of Natural Resources:

Strong opposition to mining explorations that threaten vital ecosystems, particularly in areas like the Pilliga, known for its biodiversity. She supports maintaining strict environmental safeguards to protect these regions.

Infrastructure and Community Services:

Understanding the importance of robust infrastructure for regional development, Natasha proposes significant investments in public transport, healthcare, and local industries.

Transport and Connectivity:

Enhancements to local infrastructure such as the expansion of the Guyra Armidale rail service and local airports. These projects aim to improve connectivity, reduce transport costs, and facilitate economic growth.

Health Services:

Advocacy for the establishment and maintenance of 24-hour medical centers in rural areas, addressing the acute need for accessible healthcare in less populated regions.

Governance, Transparency, and Socioeconomic Policies:

Natasha is committed to reforming governance to increase transparency and reduce corruption. Her proposals reflect a desire to bring about significant changes in how local and regional governments operate.

Anti-Corruption Measures:

Implementation of a 'no bribes policy', continuous monitoring of procurement policies, and the establishment of ICAC to oversee and enforce transparency in governmental operations.

Economic Policies:

Proposals to increase the minimum wage, regulate foreign ownership of land to protect national interests, and review international agreements that may not align with local priorities.

Advocacy for Social Issues:

Beyond environmental and infrastructural issues, Natasha also focuses on social policies that impact daily living and quality of life for her constituents.

Social and Family Services:

Introduction of platforms for family mediation and arbitration to help reduce the financial and emotional stresses of legal disputes, particularly in family law.

Education and Employment:

Initiatives to address skill shortages through targeted educational programs and support for vocational training to meet the evolving needs of the local economy. Natasha Ledger’s campaign is rooted in a comprehensive approach to addressing both immediate and long-term needs of the Northern Tablelands, promoting a blend of sustainable development, enhanced community services, and transparent governance.

This detailed agenda underscores her commitment to fostering a resilient and thriving regional community.

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