Who is Niall Boylan? - Dublin - Independent Ireland - LykElect.com
Niall Boylan

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Niall Boylan - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Independent Ireland - Ireland

Who is Niall Boylan?

Niall Boylan is a Independent Ireland candidate for Dublin seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Niall Boylan is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Dublin.

What are Niall Boylan's Political Values?

Niall Boylan is a member of the Independent Ireland Party.

Independent Ireland is a right-wing political party established on November 8, 2023, by former independent TDs Michael Collins and Richard O'Donoghue. The party positions itself as an alternative for voters dissatisfied with the current Fianna Fáil–Fine Gael–Green Party coalition, and those who are hesitant to support Sinn Féin.

Government Spending and Mismanagement:

Independent Ireland criticizes the current government's expenditure, which it claims misallocates €11.4 billion or about 10% of the annual budget across various sectors such as NGOs, support for Ukraine, direct provision, foreign aid, and healthcare overspending. The party advocates for a reformation of this spending to better prioritize the crises in housing, health, and cost of living, aiming to enhance the well-being of Irish citizens.

Reform of Non-Governmental Organisations:

The party plans to overhaul funding for the over 33,000 NGOs in Ireland, reducing duplication and streamlining operations to focus on essential services. This is part of a broader initiative to curb government waste and redirect funds towards more critical domestic issues.

Housing and Taxation:

Independent Ireland proposes urgent planning reforms and the implementation of emergency modular home schemes to address homelessness. Additionally, the party intends to freeze and reform Carbon Tax, eliminate Property Tax and USC for individuals over 65, and secure cheaper energy prices by achieving energy independence.

Immigration and Agriculture:

The party aims to enforce existing immigration laws to secure Ireland’s borders and stop profiteering at the taxpayer's expense. It also supports Irish farmers and fishermen by seeking to protect them from burdensome EU regulations and the dominance of large food processors.

Mental Health and Environment:

Significant changes are advocated for mental health services, including early intervention programs and reducing waiting lists through limited public-private partnerships. Independent Ireland supports a balanced approach to environmental issues that favors common sense and practical solutions over punitive measures.

Democratic Processes and Party Structure:

Independent Ireland emphasizes the importance of free expression within the parliamentary process. It rejects a strict party whip system, promoting diversity of opinion and respectful debate as fundamental to a healthy democracy.

Vision for the Future:

The party envisions a new era of reform, accountability, and local democracy, focusing on practical, workable solutions to improve the lives of Irish citizens. This vision includes rebuilding trust with the electorate and reforming overcentralized and bureaucratic decision-making processes.

Mission Statement:

Independent Ireland commits to integrity, transparency, and accountability, aiming to reflect the realities of everyday life and promote active citizenship. The party plans to field candidates who represent both rural and urban communities and who are dedicated to defending individual freedoms and rights.

Independent Ireland seeks to redirect government spending, reform public services, and enhance democratic processes to better serve the interests and improve the quality of life of the Irish people.

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