Who is Niamh Salkeld? - Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney - Plaid Cymru - The Party Of Wales

Niamh Salkeld

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Niamh Salkeld - Blaenau Gwent And Rhymney

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate -July, 4, 2024

Who is Niamh Salkeld?

Niamh Salkeld is running as a Plaid Cymru - The Party Of Wales candidate for the Blaenau Gwent And Rhymney in the upcoming 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Competing against 7 other candidate(s), Niamh Salkeld aims to bring their extensive experience to the role as a candidate for Member Of Parliament in the Government Of The United Kingdom.

What are Niamh Salkeld's Plaid Cymru - The Party Of Wales Values?

Niamh Salkeld is a member of the Plaid Cymru - The Party Of Wales.

Plaid Cymru is committed to making a significant impact on the lives of Welsh residents through focused, community-driven policies. The party champions the betterment of Wales in various domains, including the economy, environmental sustainability, healthcare, education, and more, reflecting its holistic approach to governance.

Economic Policies:

Plaid Cymru's economic strategy is designed to invigorate the Welsh economy through several key initiatives. They propose a £6 billion Green Economic Stimulus expected to create 60,000 jobs and establish a national Youth Job Guarantee for individuals aged 16 to 24.

The party emphasizes a 'Local First' principle, aiming to increase the share of public procurement budgets awarded to Welsh firms from 52% to 75%. Additionally, they plan to support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises through the creation of Prosperity Wales, a dedicated development agency.

Building the Nation:

The party aims to ensure equitable prosperity across Wales by creating six strategic economic regions, each with tailored development plans. They propose decentralizing government functions through the establishment of a dedicated Office for Regional Development and Investment, alongside enhancing grassroots democracy through reformed Community and Town Councils.

Tackling the Climate Emergency:

Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of Plaid Cymru's policy agenda. They aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2035, establish Ynni Cymru to generate all electricity from renewable sources, and introduce a Nature Act with ambitious biodiversity restoration targets by 2050.

Health and Care:

In healthcare, Plaid Cymru plans to establish a National Health and Care Service where personal care is free at the point of need. They prioritize health equality with an emphasis on preventive care, mental health, and the physical well-being of the community.

The party also intends to support healthcare professionals by alleviating pressures exacerbated by the pandemic.


Plaid Cymru is committed to enhancing education in Wales by providing free school meals to all children in families receiving Universal Credit, establishing high-quality early years education, and employing additional educational staff. They aim to balance academic and vocational education, ensuring comprehensive educational opportunities for all Welsh children.

Rural Wales, Farming, and Tourism:

The party's policies in rural areas focus on sustainable farming practices, enhanced representation through a consultative Rural Senedd, and the promotion of cultural tourism. These initiatives aim to support rural communities and promote Wales' rich cultural heritage globally.

Homes and Community:

Addressing housing and community needs, Plaid Cymru plans to end rough sleeping through a rapid rehousing policy, create 50,000 public homes, and implement fair rent systems to tackle the housing crisis effectively.


Transport reforms proposed by Plaid Cymru include substantial investment in public transport and active travel infrastructure, free bus travel for young people, and the development of an integrated rail and bus network to enhance connectivity across Wales.

Welsh Language and Culture:

The party strongly advocates for the Welsh language and culture by proposing the introduction of a Welsh Language Education Act, funding boosts for Welsh language initiatives, and establishing a national gallery outside Cardiff to celebrate both national and international visual culture.

Justice and Equality:

Plaid Cymru focuses on reducing child poverty, advocating for the devolution of the criminal justice system, and establishing a Minister for Equalities and Women’s Empowerment to advance social justice and equality across Wales.

Independence and Global Engagement:

Plaid Cymru envisions an independent Wales actively engaged on the global stage. They plan to hold an independence referendum, strengthen international relationships, and position Wales as a proactive member of the global community.

Through these comprehensive policy proposals, Plaid Cymru aims to foster a resilient, inclusive, and thriving Wales that upholds principles of sustainability, justice, and cultural preservation.


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