Who is Nick Hornig? - Edinburgh West - Independent - LykElect.com
Nick Hornig

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Nick Hornig - Edinburgh West

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Edinburgh West - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Nick Hornig?

Nick Hornig is contesting the Edinburgh West seat in the 2024 United Kingdom general election. Born in Edinburgh, Hornig spent some of his youth abroad but consistently returned to his hometown.

For the past 26 years, he has worked as a black cab driver in and around Edinburgh. His experiences and observations over the years have deepened his concerns about the changes in society and the legacy being left for the younger generations, who he notes perceive current conditions as the norm.

Political Involvement and Motivations:

Motivated by a desire for change, Hornig decided to enter the political arena. He expresses dissatisfaction with the traditional political parties, which he believes continue to perpetuate the status quo, regardless of the party in power.

His decision was particularly influenced by an interview where Keir Starmer, a major political figure, appeared to prioritize the interests of global elites over national governance, as discussed in a BBC interview with Emily Maitlis.

Campaign Philosophy and Goals:

Hornig aligns with the EDINBURGH PEOPLE group, which champions the philosophy of electing genuine representatives over career politicians. Inspired by the famous quote from Henry Ford — "do what you always did, get what you always got" — he advocates for a significant shift in how political decisions are made, emphasizing the urgency of adopting new approaches to empower ordinary people and address their concerns directly.

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