Who is Nick Scanlon? - Greater London - Britain First

Nick Scanlon

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Nick Scanlon - Greater London

2024 British Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate -May, 2, 2024

Who is Nick Scanlon?

Nick Scanlon, a mayoral candidate representing Britain First, has issued a campaign message emphasizing his critique of London's current state.He describes London as severely impacted by issues such as rampant crime, increased homelessness, and rising use of food banks, attributing part of the city's decline to what he refers to as "woke nonsense". Scanlon portrays the capital as being dominated by radical Islamist extremists and views it as having transformed from a once safe and cohesive city into a "Third World cesspit".

In his appeal to voters, Scanlon outlines a platform for the mayoral election scheduled for May 2, under the slogan "Britain First - No To Immigration". His campaign promises include abolishing the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and the Congestion Charge (C Charge), eradicating knife crime, prioritizing local residents in housing policies, protecting historical monuments, deporting illegal immigrants, housing homeless veterans, closing migrant hotels, rejecting corrupt politicians, stopping mass immigration, and depoliticizing the Metropolitan Police Service (Met).

Scanlon's message is a call to action for voters who wish to see change in the city's management and direction.

What are Nick Scanlon's Britain First Party Values?

Nick Scanlon is a member of the Britain First Party.

Britain First is a nationalist political party in the UK that opposes multiculturalism and advocates for strict immigration controls.

Immigration Policies:

Immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants and foreign-born criminals after serving their sentences. Strict limitations on who can claim asylum, particularly targeting those who travel through other safe countries or return to their country of origin.

A halt on most new immigration except under strict circumstances, such as genuine marriages that meet rigorous citizenship criteria. Issuance of short-term work visas only under strict conditions, including proof of employment and lack of local labor to fill positions.

National Security and Sovereignty:

Proposals include making it an act of treason to facilitate significant foreign entry into the UK for settlement. Replacement of the Human Rights Act with a US-style Bill of Rights to ensure all laws uphold British sovereignty without foreign influence.

Voluntary financial assistance for immigrants and citizens of foreign origin to return to their countries of origin.

Domestic Policies:

Establishment of an English national parliament and support for proportional representation in elections. Crackdown on political and financial corruption.

Outlawing practices believed to enable electoral fraud and promoting robust national holidays and cultural traditions.

Social and Cultural Policies:

Enforcement of laws against non-stun animal slaughter and the wearing of face coverings under certain conditions. Advocacy for the predominance of British culture and traditions, including Christian values, and education reforms to reflect these priorities.

Economic and Social Welfare:

Protection of the NHS from privatization and improvement of service delivery. Opposition to health mandates like vaccine passports.

Reintroduction of traditional teaching methods, focus on Christianity in schools, and reduction of liberal social education topics. Emphasis on economic self-sufficiency, protection of British industries from foreign competition, and reduction of the tax burden.

Defense and International Relations:

Maintenance of strong defense forces and restriction on historical prosecutions of veterans. Promotion of national service.

Withdrawal from international bodies like the UN and EU perceived as undermining British sovereignty. Promotion of alliances within the Commonwealth.


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