Who is Nigel Adam Jacklin? - Bexhill and Battle - Independent Network - LykElect.com
Nigel Adam Jacklin

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Nigel Adam Jacklin - Bexhill And Battle

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Bexhill and Battle - Independent Network - United Kingdom

Who is Nigel Adam Jacklin?

Nigel Jacklin is a statistician and market researcher who has lived in Normans Bay, near Pevensey, for 30 years. He and his wife raised their family in the area, where Jacklin also started his first business.

In 2021, they established The Democratic Network to promote local and national engagement in decision-making. The annual Network Survey reflects local sentiments, revealing desires for change from major parties, integrity, independence from party or financial backers, and common sense in representation.

Environmental and Community Involvement:

A committed environmentalist, Jacklin has practiced sustainable gardening, creating soil from compost and paper. His efforts have resulted in self-sown spinach and wild orchids thriving in his garden.

He has also actively campaigned to protect NHS workers' jobs alongside Charlotte Gracias, co-founder of Together.

Political Principles and Network:

Jacklin declared his candidacy for the general election in January and is part of the Independent Network. This network includes established independent Councillors and adheres to the Bell Principles, emphasizing evidence-based decisions and independence from party politics.

Jacklin and the Independent Network have worked to increase the number of Independent and Resident Association local Councillors by 60% in recent elections.

Campaign Focus:

Jacklin's campaign focuses on eleven key areas, Ending abuse of police power and catching criminals. Tackling illegal immigration and opposing a detention center at Northeye.

Prioritizing local housing needs over property developer profits. Valuing skills over formal qualifications.

Supporting local businesses and community groups to boost the economy. Delivering effective local public services, especially in NHS and Social Care.

Reviewing Net Zero policies for a balanced environmental approach. Supporting farmers and agricultural communities.

Protecting single-sex spaces and sports. Ending wars and opposing national service and conscription.

Jacklin has addressed these issues at conferences, local meetings, and in published articles. He questions the urgency of the climate emergency and advocates for a balanced environmental approach.

Past Campaigns:

Over the past 14 months, Jacklin led a campaign against the Northeye proposals, which aimed to accommodate 1,200 male asylum seekers without consultation. The campaign's strong local opposition has delayed the site's use.

Jacklin has also campaigned on issues like keeping cash, opposing digital-ID, and supporting NHS workers threatened with job loss in April 2022. He has written about and pursued effective policing, successfully challenging Sussex Police's use of Community Protection Warning Letters in 2018.

Challenges Facing the Country:

Jacklin acknowledges the precarious state of public finances and record-high immigration levels, viewing these as governmental and state failures. He believes in balancing the budget by earning more and spending less, ensuring efficient use of public funds.

He advocates for an education system focused on skills and preparing young people for the workforce. Jacklin, disillusioned with political infighting, aims to apply his experience in mediating competing interests to serve Bexhill and Battle effectively if elected.

What are Nigel Adam Jacklin's Political Values?

Nigel Adam Jacklin is a member of the Independent Network Party.

The Independent Network (IN) is a United Kingdom-based organization registered as a political party, primarily supporting independent politicians and candidates. Established in 2005 and operating in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, IN advocates for non-partisan politics, focusing on supporting independent political figures who are not influenced by traditional party lines or external pressures.

Objectives of The Network:

The main aim of the Independent Network is to establish a clear and recognizable identity for Independent candidates, publicize this identity, and assist these candidates in getting elected. The organization seeks to encourage more individuals to run for office as Independents and promotes high standards of behavior in politics.

Policies and Political Stance:

The Independent Network does not impose specific political policies on its members since all its members are Independents. By design, it cannot and does not have any political or campaign policies, maintaining a neutral stance that upholds the independence of its members from any political party, pressure group, or party whip.

Ethical Standards and Principles:

The organization prides itself on adhering to the Bell Principles, which are based on the Seven Principles of Public Life outlined by Lord Nolan in 1995. These principles include selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.

Additional principles emphasize evidence-based decision-making, non-discrimination, transparency, community engagement, respect for political opponents, resistance to power abuses, and open financial accountability.

Community and Values:

IN is committed to community-oriented values, focusing on local priorities and accountability to local electorates. It promotes social harmony, equality, diversity, and environmental stewardship, aiming to improve local services and support the broader independent movement.

In summary, the Independent Network serves as a supportive platform for independent political actors, emphasizing ethical conduct, community engagement, and the independence of its members from conventional political influences.

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