Who is Paul Farragher? - Wirral West - True & Fair Party - LykElect.com
Paul Farragher

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Paul Farragher - Wirral West

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Wirral West - True & Fair Party - United Kingdom

Who is Paul Farragher?

Paul Farragher is a True & Fair Party candidate for Wirral West seat in the 2024 United Kingdom General Election.

Paul Farragher is competing against 5 other candidates for the Government Of The United Kingdom seat of Wirral West.

What are Paul Farragher's Political Values?

Paul Farragher is a member of the True & Fair Party.

The True & Fair Party in the United Kingdom aims to address and reform the structural issues within British politics and society through a comprehensive range of policies centered around integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Core Values and Political Vision:

At its core, the True & Fair Party champions the values of compassion, care, and common sense, seeking to transform and modernize the UK's political landscape. It criticizes the existing political parties for their tribalism and lack of capacity to handle systemic failures across various sectors.

The party positions itself as a necessary new force amid global upheaval due to technological, environmental, and societal changes.

Ethics and Accountability:

The True & Fair Party proposes the introduction of the Ethics in Public Office Act, which aims to set legal standards for the conduct of public officials, underpinned by the Nolan Principles of Public Life. Additionally, the party plans to establish the Office of Ministerial Accountability and Integrity to oversee the enforcement of the Ministerial Code, ensuring that ministers adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Ministerial Reforms:

To streamline government efficiency and integrity, the party seeks to limit the government payroll to no more than 100 ministers, and to eliminate severance pay for those who are dismissed due to incompetence. They also advocate for a stringent code of conduct for special advisers to curb their influence and ensure they adhere to ethical guidelines.

Parliamentary and Electoral Reforms:

The True & Fair Party advocates for the codification of 'Henry VIII powers' to reinforce parliamentary oversight and democracy. They also propose the normalization of digital voting in Parliament to increase accessibility and participation.

On the electoral front, they support proportional representation and automatic voter registration, alongside establishing a public holiday, Democracy Day, to increase voter turnout.

Anti-Corruption Measures:

The party is committed to combating corruption through the establishment of a National Anti-Corruption Commission that would have the authority to investigate and act on corruption within public offices both current and past. They propose strict measures to ban MPs from acting as paid lobbyists and enforce a two-year cooling-off period for public officials transitioning to the private sector.

Institutional Reforms:

House of Lords reforms include reducing the number of peers to 400, implementing ten-year term limits, and abolishing hereditary peerages. The True & Fair Party aims to clarify and codify the powers of the House of Lords, ensuring it serves as an effective and modern scrutinizing body.

Regarding local government, they push for more consistent devolution powers across the UK and increased public participation in local governance through mechanisms like citizens' assemblies. These policy initiatives underscore the True & Fair Party's commitment to substantial governmental and electoral reforms, aiming to foster a transparent, accountable, and modern democratic system in the UK.

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