Who is Pele Barnes? - Bridgwater - Independent - LykElect.com
Pele Barnes

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Pele Barnes - Bridgwater

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Electorate of Bridgwater - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Pele Barnes?

Pele Barnes is an active member of the Somerset Unionist Party, based in Bridgwater, UK. Known for his diverse interests, including films, history, drawing, gaming, and being a fan of "Game of Thrones," Barnes also identifies as a Libra.

His social media profiles reflect his enthusiasm for these subjects along with his involvement in local politics.

Political Affiliation and Goals:

As a representative of the Somerset Unionist Party, Barnes advocates for various policy changes across several key areas.

Social Inclusion:

Barnes aims to support the rights and well-being of LGBT+ individuals and other marginalized groups. His policy initiatives include creating a new care branch focused on aiding homeless individuals by providing care and facilitating their transition into permanent housing.


He promotes environmental sustainability by proposing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions both domestically and abroad, advocating for the protection of biodiversity, creating more animal protection zones in the UK, and promoting renewable energy. Barnes also supports the establishment of a self-sustainable farming system and proposes a ban on plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables in stores.

Animal Welfare:

His policy extends to banning animal testing, factory farming, puppy breeding circles, and the fur trade. He also seeks to enforce animal cruelty laws with severe penalties, including prison sentences.

Economic Development:

Barnes focuses on revitalizing town centers by investing in local businesses, infrastructure, and public services. He proposes utilizing empty buildings in town centers by offering them under government-purchased leases at very low rents to small businesses, aiming to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.


He calls for reforms to enhance transparency, oversight, and public participation in the political system, aiming to make governance more accountable to the electorate.

Wealth Distribution:

Barnes advocates for economic equity by proposing increased taxes on the ultra-wealthy, closing tax loopholes, and expanding social welfare programs to redistribute wealth more fairly within society. Pele Barnes is committed to a broad range of progressive policies that aim to improve societal well-being, protect the environment, and enhance economic and political accountability.

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