Who is Rebecca Barrett? - Dublin - National Party - LykElect.com
Rebecca Barrett

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Rebecca Barrett - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - National Party - Ireland

Who is Rebecca Barrett?

Rebecca Barrett is a National Party candidate for Dublin seat in the 2024 Irish European Parliament Election.

Rebecca Barrett is competing against 7 other candidates for the European Union seat of Dublin.

What are Rebecca Barrett's Political Values?

Rebecca Barrett is a member of the National Party.

The National Party, established in 2016, operates across all 32 counties of Ireland. Known for its distinct political stance, the party has engaged in various initiatives, from media appearances to extensive campaigning, to disseminate its views and policies.

Immigration and National Identity:

The National Party is vocal in its opposition to mass immigration, advocating for policies that ensure Ireland remains a homeland predominantly for the Irish. This includes campaigning for remigration and prioritizing Irish nationals in employment and housing.

Their stance was evident in their active opposition to Direct Provision centres and the importation of foreign workers during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Social Policies:

The party campaigned vigorously against the legalization of abortion in Ireland, marking its strong commitment to what it views as the rights of the unborn. This aligns with their broader advocacy for traditional values.

EU Relations:

Adopting a stance similar to Hungary's, the National Party is critical of Ireland’s current relationship with the European Union, suggesting a potential withdrawal from the EU to reclaim national sovereignty.

Election Participation:

Despite fielding candidates in the 2020 general elections and not securing any seats, the party views its participation as a foundational step for strengthening its local organizational structure, especially in Dublin.

Irish Unity and Sovereignty:

The party asserts that all of Ireland, its islands, and territorial seas, constitute a single national territory that should be defended from foreign encroachment. This includes a staunch opposition to any external control over Irish affairs, whether from Britain or the EU.

Cultural Policies:

A significant part of the party's platform is the revival of the Irish language as the primary language of the Irish people, reflecting a deep commitment to cultural nationalism.

Opposition to Mass Immigration:

The National Party supports ending mass immigration and advocates for a policy of remigration, aiming to restore and maintain Ireland as a primarily Irish homeland.

EU and Monetary Independence:

The party champions an adversarial approach to the EU, suggesting Ireland could consider leaving the EU entirely. It also supports withdrawing from the Eurozone and establishing an independent Irish currency and bank.

Constitutional and Legal Reform:

The National Party promotes the establishment of a Constitutional Republic grounded in natural rights and Irish law, free from external influences. This includes drastic reforms in criminal justice and even the restoration of capital punishment for severe crimes.

Economic and Local Governance:

Emphasizing the importance of indigenous enterprise and private property, the party opposes both communism and unchecked capitalism. It advocates for empowering local government and reducing the influence of central bureaucracies.

The National Party's policies are deeply infused with a nationalist ideology that prioritizes the Irish nation and its cultural, economic, and political independence. Their platform is built around the idea of an Irish future determined by and for the Irish people, resisting globalist influences and promoting a self-sufficient, culturally rich Ireland.

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