Who is Rebekha Sharkie? - Mayo - Centre Alliance - LykElect.com
Rebekha Sharkie

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Rebekha Sharkie - Mayo

Electorate of Mayo - Centre Alliance - Australia

Who is Rebekha Sharkie?

Rebekha Sharkie, hailing from Cudlee Creek, South Australia, has carved a distinguished path in Australian politics. Her journey from baker to youth engagement coordinator to small business owner culminated in her election as the Member of Parliament for Mayo under the Centre Alliance banner in 2016.

Sharkie's tenure has been marked by a steadfast commitment to independent and community-centric governance, earning her accolades as a prominent figure in federal politics. Centre Alliance, formerly the Nick Xenophon Team, champions government accountability, transparency, and support for regional communities.

Sharkie's advocacy spans a wide array of issues, from regional development and affordable healthcare to education reform and environmental sustainability. Noteworthy is her unwavering support for improved healthcare services in rural areas, mental health initiatives, and accessibility to essential services in remote regions.

Economically, Centre Alliance prioritizes small businesses, job creation, fair wages, and consumer protections. The party's advocacy for sustainability measures, renewable energy, waste management reform, and biodiversity conservation underscores its commitment to a green economy.

Socially, Sharkie is a vocal proponent of social justice, equality, and increased accessibility for marginalized groups, particularly championing LGBTQ+ rights. Sharkie's impactful contributions include securing funding for regional healthcare and infrastructure projects, advocating for environmental sustainability, and upholding government accountability.

Her principled leadership and dedication to her constituents exemplify Centre Alliance's values of integrity, innovation, and inclusivity. Through her advocacy for social, economic, and environmental reforms, Sharkie continues to drive positive change in Australian politics.

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