Who is Robert Bell? - Uralla - Independent - LykElect.com
Robert Bell

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Robert Bell - Uralla

2024 New South Wales Mayoral Elections - Mayor Candidate - September, 14, 2024

Electorate of Uralla - Independent - Australia

Who is Robert Bell?

Robert Bell was born in Uralla and has strong ties to the community. He worked as the Director of Engineering for Uralla Shire Council and is a qualified tradesman with experience in the finance industry.

He also owns a grazing block in Kentucky.

Initial Council Service:

Robert Bell was first elected as a Councillor for Uralla Shire Council in 2016. After serving five years in this role, he was elected Mayor of Uralla Shire Council in December 2021.

Election as Mayor:

Bell was elected Mayor in a closely watched election, where he quickly emerged as the leading candidate. The new Council, including Bell as Mayor and Cr Crouch as Deputy Mayor, took their oaths of office on Christmas Eve, 2021.

Council Composition:

The Council comprises representatives from Ward A (Cr Bruce McMullen, Cr Tom O’Connor, Cr Leonie (Lone) Petrov, Cr Tara Toomey) and Ward B (Cr Tim Bower, Cr Sarah Burrows, Cr Bob Crouch, Cr Leanne Doran). Several councillors, including Cr Crouch, Cr Toomey, and Cr O’Connor, held roles in the former council, while others like Cr Bower, Cr Burrows, and Cr Petrov are new to the role.

Community Facility Upgrades:

Under Bell’s leadership, the Council secured funding from NSW State and Commonwealth Governments for four community projects, delivered at no cost to ratepayers. These include upgrades to Rotary Park, Pioneer Park, The Glen, and the Uralla Courthouse.

Rotary Park:

The Rotary Park Upgrade Project has reached practical completion and is now open to the public. This facility serves as a rest stop for travelers and includes ongoing maintenance and community garden support.

Pioneer Park:

Work commenced on Pioneer Park, which includes a Fibonacci-themed walkway and stenciled artwork designed by local school children. The project aims to create a legacy park with significant community involvement.

The Glen:

The Glen project includes the completion of the Constellations of the South Artworks Sculpture Garden and infrastructure improvements like new roads, parking, pedestrian facilities, and additional park amenities.

Uralla Courthouse:

The Courthouse received a grant for restoration and adaptive reuse, involving structural repairs, new roofing, painting, and accessibility improvements.

Australia Day Celebrations:

In 2022, Bell participated in the Australia Day ceremony, welcoming new Australian citizens and congratulating award winners for their contributions to the community. The event featured Australia Day Ambassador Keith Potger AO and included a range of community activities and performances.

Sustainable Development:

Bell is committed to sustainable development and economic growth in Uralla Shire. His goals include improving infrastructure, supporting community projects, and promoting environmental sustainability.

Community Engagement:

He emphasizes the importance of community engagement and welcomes residents to discuss any matters of concern with him or other councillors. Bell aims to maintain an inclusive and transparent council that addresses the needs and aspirations of the community.

Personal Commitment:

Robert Bell is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Uralla Shire. His leadership focuses on community-driven initiatives, infrastructure development, and fostering a strong, vibrant community.

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