Who is Sarah Beasley? - Limerick - Aontú - LykElect.com
Sarah Beasley

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Sarah Beasley - Limerick

2024 Limerick Mayoral Election - Mayor Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Limerick - Aontú - Ireland

Who is Sarah Beasley?

Sarah Beasley is an active political staff member and animal welfare activist, currently serving as the Aontú representative for Limerick. Her career is marked by a strong dedication to community service and advocacy in various areas, notably in animal welfare and public assistance.

Aontú Affiliation:

Sarah has been with Aontú since February 2020, working closely with political and community issues in the Limerick Metropolitan Area.

Previous Political Experience:

Before joining Aontú, Sarah was involved with Sinn Féin in Limerick from December 2014 to February 2020, supporting local councillors and engaging with constituents.

Diverse Roles:

Sarah's career includes significant roles outside of politics, such as being the Director of Irish Operations at Debit and Credit Solutions Ltd, focusing on recruitment and training in the credit management sector.


She brings a wealth of experience from various fields, including billing and collection management in corporate environments such as telecommunications and medical supplies.

Advocacy and Interests:

Animal Welfare: Sarah liaises with animal rights organizations to strengthen laws for animal welfare in Ireland, reflecting her deep commitment to ethical treatment of animals.

Community Development:

Her volunteer work includes aiding the homeless, families in temporary accommodations, and driving initiatives like the Community Friendship Meals at Bothwell United Church.

Campaign Focus:

Sarah Beasley has pointed out the inadequacy of local authority housing in Limerick and Clare, citing significant disparities in social housing provisions compared to other counties. Her advocacy aims to address these shortages by promoting policies that enhance the local infrastructure and housing availability, aligning with Aontú’s broader goals for social equity and community support.

Political Philosophy:

She critiques the current political climate for its focus on elite interests over public welfare, advocating for a more inclusive and community-focused political approach. Her campaign emphasizes the need for genuine representation and practical solutions to local issues in Limerick.

Sarah Beasley stands as a committed representative aiming to bring substantive change and improvement to the living conditions in Limerick through her role with Aontú. Her broad experience and deep community ties make her a notable advocate for her constituency.

What are Sarah Beasley's Political Values?

Sarah Beasley is a member of the Aontú Party.

Aontú is a political party in Ireland, established on January 28, 2019. The party emerged from a split with Sinn Féin and is led by Peadar Tóibín.

Its headquarters is located in Navan, County Meath. Aontú operates across both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, advocating for Irish republicanism and social conservatism.

The party slogan is "Life, Unity, Economic Justice." Political Stance: Aontú combines elements of social conservatism, notably its opposition to abortion, with advocacy for a united Ireland and center-left economics. The party is characterized by a stance of "rural conservatism and traditionalism," as noted by political commentators, and it holds Eurosceptic views.

Economically, Aontú favors increased public spending on housing and supports policies like ending zero-hour contracts and promoting collective bargaining.

Membership and Organization:

As of 2023, Aontú reported having approximately 1,300 members and has a youth wing known as Ógra Aontú. The party is represented in Dáil Éireann with one seat out of 160 and holds three seats in local government across the Republic of Ireland.

Strategic Political Actions:

Aontú's political strategy includes advocating for significant policy changes in Ireland. They support the idea of Irish reunification and have expressed the need for practical steps towards this goal in response to Brexit.

The party also criticizes the current state of the Irish political system, citing a lack of genuine debate and the suppression of diverse opinions.

Policy on Abortion:

A significant focus for Aontú is its strong pro-life stance. The party opposes the liberalization of abortion laws in Ireland and advocates for measures that would provide more support to pregnant women and oppose abortion based on disability or gender selection.

This stance sets Aontú apart from other major Irish political parties, which have shifted towards more liberal abortion policies.

Regional Development and Infrastructure:

Aontú emphasizes the need for balanced regional development to counteract the over-concentration of resources and population in Dublin. The party proposes increasing infrastructure investment in less developed areas and supports the development of an all-Ireland economy to mitigate the effects of Brexit and enhance economic integration between the North and South.

Advocacy for Economic Justice:

The party voices concerns over economic disparities in Irish society, including issues related to healthcare access, housing, and living wages. Aontú advocates for economic policies that would address these inequalities and promote a more equitable distribution of resources across Ireland.

Aontú seeks to address Ireland's current economic, social, and political challenges with a blend of traditional conservatism and progressive economic policies, focusing on unity, life, and economic justice as core values.

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