Who is Sheryl Gladney? - Missouri - Democratic
Sheryl Gladney

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Sheryl Gladney - Missouri

2024 United States Governor elections - Governor Candidate - November, 5, 2024

Who is Sheryl Gladney?

Sheryl Gladney is running for Mayor of Breckenridge Hills with a dedication to public service. Her campaign focuses on improving the city by bringing together the youth and the community, enhancing the infrastructure such as streets and sidewalks, revitalizing the commercial district, and connecting residents with local job opportunities.

Sheryl emphasizes her ability to collaborate effectively with others and pledges to continue this approach if elected.

Growing Our Economy:

A thriving economy is essential for a prosperous society. Sheryl Gladney aims to implement strategic policies to encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment, thereby stimulating economic growth.

By streamlining regulations and reducing barriers for small businesses, she plans to foster an environment where these enterprises can flourish and create new job opportunities. Additionally, investing in infrastructure projects will modernize communities, generate employment, and stimulate consumer spending.

Supporting industries poised for growth will ensure sustained economic expansion for all citizens.

Creating Jobs and Advocating for Fair Pay:

Job creation is critical for economic opportunity and reducing unemployment rates. Sheryl proposes incentivizing businesses to expand their workforce through targeted tax breaks and incentives, promoting job growth across various sectors.

She also advocates for fair pay, ensuring that hardworking individuals are appropriately compensated. Policies such as increasing the minimum wage and implementing pay equity measures will address income inequality and promote economic justice.

By prioritizing job creation and fair compensation, Sheryl aims to build a more inclusive economy.

Improving Early Childhood Education:

Investing in early childhood education is vital for the future workforce and economic prosperity. Sheryl Gladney plans to expand access to high-quality preschool programs, leveling the playing field for children from all backgrounds.

Providing professional development for early childhood educators and increasing funding for educational resources will enhance the quality of early education. Partnering with community organizations and leveraging technology will further enrich learning experiences.

By prioritizing early childhood education, the next generation will be equipped with the necessary tools to compete in the global economy.

Healthcare Coverage for All:

Access to affordable healthcare is a fundamental human right and essential for a productive workforce and healthy economy. Sheryl Gladney supports expanding Medicaid and implementing a public option to ensure all citizens have access to comprehensive healthcare coverage.

Negotiating lower prescription drug prices and investing in preventive care and wellness programs will reduce healthcare costs and promote healthier lifestyles. By guaranteeing healthcare coverage for all, Sheryl aims to create a more resilient and equitable society.

Balanced Budget and Debt Reduction:

Fiscal responsibility is crucial for maintaining long-term financial health. Sheryl Gladney plans to craft a balanced budget prioritizing essential services while curbing unnecessary spending.

Introducing a bill to pay down debt demonstrates her commitment to reducing the national debt burden, freeing up resources for critical investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Implementing targeted spending cuts and closing tax loopholes will generate revenue and reduce budget deficits.

By adopting responsible fiscal policies, Sheryl aims to safeguard the economic stability of future generations.

What are Sheryl Gladney's Political Values?

Sheryl Gladney is a member of the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party of the United States is grounded in modern liberalism, distinguishing it from the conservative views of the Republican Party. The Democratic Party generally positions itself on the center-left of the American political spectrum, featuring significant centrist and progressive wings, as well as smaller factions of fiscal conservatives and democratic socialists.

Social Programs and Rights:

The Democratic Party advocates for a variety of social programs including labor unions, consumer protection, workplace safety regulations, and equal opportunity. They champion disability rights, racial equity, environmental regulations, and criminal justice reform.

The party is also supportive of abortion rights, LGBT community rights, and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Democrats typically agree with the scientific consensus on climate change and favor a multilateral approach in foreign policy.

Economic Issues:

At the core of Democratic economic policy are equal economic opportunity, a strong social safety net, and robust labor unions. The party supports a mixed economy with a progressive tax system, higher minimum wages, Social Security, universal health care, public education, and subsidized housing.

Infrastructure development and clean energy investments are seen as essential for economic growth and job creation.

Fiscal Policy:

Democrats advocate for a progressive tax structure to fund services and reduce economic inequality, ensuring that the wealthiest Americans pay the highest tax rates. The party favors increased government spending on social services while reducing military expenditure.

Democrats oppose cutting social services, viewing these programs as essential for social justice and economic productivity.

Minimum Wage:

The Democratic Party supports raising the national minimum wage to $15.00 per hour and believes in regularly adjusting it to reflect economic conditions. Historically, they have championed legislation and ballot initiatives to increase the minimum wage.

Health Care:

Democrats aim for "affordable and quality health care" and support various forms of universal health care. While some favor a single-payer system like Medicare for All, others advocate for a public health insurance option.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a significant achievement in expanding health insurance coverage.


The party promotes improving public education by raising standards and reforming the Head Start program. They support universal preschool, expanded access to primary education, reduced student loan debt, and tuition-free or reduced-tuition college.

Democrats also advocate for increased state funding for student financial aid.


Democrats believe in government protection of the environment, emphasizing alternative energy generation for economic and environmental benefits. They support expanding conservation lands, promoting open space and rail travel, and working collaboratively with communities and environmental interests to protect resources while maintaining economic vitality.

Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels:

The party supports increased development of renewable energy sources like wind and solar to reduce carbon emissions. Their platform includes clean energy, natural gas, and domestic oil with the goal of energy independence.

Democrats also support higher taxes on oil companies and stricter fuel emissions standards.

Trade Agreements:

Historically, the Democratic Party's stance on trade has varied. The 2020 platform supports fair and free trade agreements while opposing unfair practices such as offshoring, dumping, and intellectual property theft.

Social Equality and Voting Rights:

The Democratic Party emphasizes social equality and equal opportunity for all, supporting voting rights and minority rights, including those of the LGBT community. They have historically supported civil rights legislation and affirmative action programs to combat discrimination.

Abortion and Reproductive Rights:

The party supports safe and legal abortion and a woman's right to choose, advocating for affordable health care and programs to support women during and after pregnancy. They oppose any efforts to undermine these rights.


Democrats endorse comprehensive immigration reform, advocating for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and policies that reflect America’s values as a nation of laws and immigrants. They support the DREAM Act and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

LGBT Rights:

The party supports nondiscrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, endorsing the Equality Act and anti-bullying measures. They have championed marriage equality and oppose laws denying equal protection to same-sex couples.

Legal Issues:

The Democratic Party advocates for gun control measures to reduce crime and homicide, though there is some variation among members, especially from rural areas. They currently oppose the death penalty and have historically supported its abolition.

Democrats also oppose the use of torture, advocating for humane treatment of prisoners and adherence to international law.

Foreign Policy:

In foreign policy, Democrats generally favor international cooperation and human rights advocacy. They have been critical of the Iraq War and supported a phased withdrawal of troops.

The party also backs sanctions against Iran to prevent nuclear proliferation and has supported diplomatic efforts to reach agreements on nuclear disarmament. The Democratic Party's platform is characterized by its commitment to social programs, economic equality, environmental protection, and human rights, contrasting with the more conservative positions of the Republican Party.

The party seeks to balance government intervention with individual freedoms, advocating for policies that promote social justice and economic opportunity for all Americans.

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