Who is Shyam Batra? - Greater London - Independent - LykElect.com
Shyam Batra

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Shyam Batra - Greater London

2024 British Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Greater London - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Shyam Batra?

Shyam Batra is entering the race for Mayor of London with a vision to transform the city into a vibrant and inclusive metropolis for all its residents. His campaign focuses on key issues such as transparency in governance, accessible healthcare, affordable housing, increased wages, and fostering a fair society that supports youth, innovation, entrepreneurship, and local businesses.

Batra's approach emphasizes unity and collaboration to turn aspirations into reality. His background is marked by overcoming personal adversity, which instilled in him a strong sense of tenacity and integrity.

Beginning his career in an investment house in London, Batra quickly found success, managing over £100 million worth of business. He later ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing his own insurance and financial advisory firm before moving into the hotel industry, where he expanded his enterprise from a single apartment hotel in 2006 to multiple properties.

Batra is motivated by his concern over the current state of London, particularly the impact of defunct policies on the city's residents. He commits his energy and passion to improving the city, acknowledging the challenges ahead but emphasizing the need to overcome these obstacles to restore and enhance London.

Batra's campaign calls for community support to create a safe, thriving city where future generations can succeed as pioneers, entrepreneurs, educators, and prosperous individuals, with the goal of positioning London as a global beacon of hope.

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