Who is Simone Francis Gagatam? - Cook - Sustainable Australia - LykElect.com
Simone Francis Gagatam

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Simone Francis Gagatam - Cook

2024 Sydney Cook By-Election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - April, 13, 2024

Electorate of Cook - Sustainable Australia - Australia

Who is Simone Francis Gagatam?

Simone Francis Gagatam is the Sustainable Australia Party's candidate for the 2024 Cook by-election. With a rich tapestry of experiences in social entrepreneurship, legal advocacy, and environmental activism, Gagatam stands as a beacon for sustainable development and social justice in Australia.

Deep Local Roots and Global Insights:

Raised in the St George-Sutherland Shire area, Gagatam's affinity with nature is evident in her passion for the outdoors, including beach activities, bushwalking, and camping. Her worldview has been significantly shaped by her travels to over 40 countries, where she engaged in volunteer work and social enterprise projects, gaining a broad perspective on global challenges.

Professional Endeavors and Advocacy:

Gagatam's career is distinguished by her commitment to combating human trafficking and her contributions to environmental law. Her professional life reflects a deep-seated desire to address and rectify systemic societal issues, with a particular focus on the legal avenues for change.

Campaign Priorities and Policy Proposals:

Her campaign is sharply focused on critical issues such as environmental conservation, the cost of living, housing affordability, overdevelopment, and political integrity. Gagatam advocates for progressive policies, including a universal basic income, comprehensive climate action, and moderated immigration to manage Australia's population growth sustainably.

Social Entrepreneurship and Human Rights:

As co-founder and CEO of Positive Profit, Gagatam has demonstrated her ability to merge economic sustainability with the protection of natural environments, human rights, and animal welfare. Her role at End Transplant Abuse in China further underscores her dedication to advocating for human rights on a global scale.

Educational Background and Legal Expertise:

Gagatam's educational journey includes studying law at QUT, where she focused on dispute resolution and environmental law, and completing a Masters in Development Practice at The University of Queensland. Her academic achievements lay a solid foundation for her multifaceted approach to addressing environmental, economic, and social issues.

A Vision for Systemic Change:

Simone Francis Gagatam's candidacy embodies a comprehensive approach to creating a fairer, more sustainable Australia. Her diverse experiences, coupled with a strong commitment to social, environmental, and economic justice, position her as a dynamic force for positive change in the political landscape.

What are Simone Francis Gagatam's Political Values?

Simone Francis Gagatam is a member of the Sustainable Australia Party.

The Sustainable Australia Party champions a comprehensive approach focused on improving quality of life, protecting the environment, fostering transparent governance, and ensuring economic diversity and equity. It advocates for policies that respect senior citizens, protect animal habitats and biodiversity, combat corruption, and support the arts.

The party calls for a strong, technologically advanced defense force, a prosperous and equitable economy, and a world-class education system that is accessible to all Australians. It aims for an energy supply that is sustainable and environmentally friendly while prioritizing environmental conservation as fundamental to human well-being.

The party seeks to manage finite resources responsibly, ensure that foreign investment serves the national interest, and address problem gambling. Health policies emphasize preventive care and expanding Medicare, while housing strategies focus on affordability and stability.

Indigenous rights, full employment through environmental restoration, law and order reforms, media diversity, sustainable development, and population stabilization form key parts of its platform. The party opposes privatization of public assets, promotes regional development, supports science, advocates for fair taxation, engages in fair trade, emphasizes sustainable transport, aims to reduce waste, conserves water, and seeks to improve welfare and well-being.

It supports allowing MPs more freedom on matters of conscience and endorses direct democracy in line with Swiss-style citizen-initiated referenda.

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