Who is Stephen O'Rourke? - Dublin - Independent - LykElect.com
Stephen O'Rourke

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Stephen O'Rourke - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Independent - Ireland

Who is Stephen O'Rourke?

Stephen O'Rourke, born and raised in Ballyfermot, Dublin, is an independent candidate for the European Parliament. After completing science degrees in Dublin and Glasgow, O'Rourke moved to Germany in 2012 to pursue a career as a scientist.

He is married to a Turkish woman, and they currently reside in Berlin. Fluent in German and improving his Turkish, O'Rourke is also brushing up on Gaeilge.

His experiences abroad have enriched his perspective, making him a proponent of multicultural and inclusive policies.

Professional and Community Engagement:

O'Rourke has a robust professional background in regulatory affairs within the scientific community, with extensive experience navigating European institutions. His community leadership is evident in his active involvement in the GAA community, where he has founded several clubs across Germany and Europe.

Additionally, he established a political discussion group in Berlin aimed at demystifying politics and making it more accessible to the public.

Personal Experiences and Advocacy:

O'Rourke's personal experiences have profoundly shaped his advocacy, particularly concerning mental health and community support. He has faced personal challenges, such as the loss of family members to suicide and addiction, which have fueled his commitment to enhancing mental health and recovery support across Europe.

Inclusivity and Compassion:

O'Rourke emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and compassion in addressing Dublin’s urgent issues, such as homelessness, the cost of living crisis, and the need for transparent governance. His campaign invites Dubliners to share their stories and concerns, aiming to foster a collaborative approach to setting actionable goals for the community’s future.

Sensible and Forward-Thinking Policies:

His vision for Dublin involves championing policies that value every individual and support the most vulnerable members of society. O'Rourke is committed to representing Dublin effectively in Europe, ensuring that local voices and interests are heard and respected in the formulation of broader European policies.

Alternative Political Approach:

Critical of traditional left-right politics, O'Rourke advocates for a new approach that avoids divisiveness and focuses on uniting people towards common goals. His campaign questions the effectiveness of familiar political figures and emphasizes the need for fresh, trustworthy representation in Europe.

Stephen O'Rourke presents himself as a non-traditional, highly engaged candidate who values direct communication with constituents and is driven by a desire to improve both local and European governance through inclusivity, transparency, and effective community engagement. His international experience and personal resilience position him as a unique voice ready to advocate for Dublin in the European Parliament.

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