Who is Tabatha Badger? - Lyons - Tasmanian Greens - LykElect.com
Tabatha Badger

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Tabatha Badger - Lyons

2024 Tasmania State Election - State Mp Candidate - March, 23, 2024

Electorate of Lyons - Tasmanian Greens - Australia

Who is Tabatha Badger?

Tabatha Badger is a prominent figure in Tasmania's environmental and political landscape, standing as the lead candidate for Lyons under the banner of the Tasmanian Greens. Her multifaceted career and dedication to environmental advocacy highlight her commitment to addressing Tasmania's pressing issues.


Raised in Lyons and currently residing in Ellendale, Tabatha Badger's life in regional Tasmania has equipped her with a profound understanding of local needs, especially the necessity for enhanced access to health and education services and additional support for those facing economic hardships. Her personal and professional experiences across Tasmania have shaped her approach to her environmental and political endeavors.

Roles and Achievements:

Tabatha's roles and achievements underscore her active involvement in environmental advocacy. She serves as the Chair of the Wilderness Society and as the Restore Pedder Campaign Director, reflecting her commitment to Tasmania's natural heritage.

Her political involvement includes serving as a previous Lyons Convenor and providing Senate support for Peter Whish-Wilson in 2022. Additionally, she has been a Greens candidate for the Senate, showcasing her deep commitment to Green politics.

Interests and Activities:

An avid bushwalker, Tabatha values Tasmania’s unique wilderness and dedicates much of her time to various environmental and community organizations. Her involvement with groups such as Fishers and Walkers Tasmania, Tasmanian National Parks Association, Freycinet Action Network, Friends of the Great Lake, and Maydena Community Association highlights her broad engagement with conservation efforts and community initiatives.

Education and Professional Experience:

Tabatha's educational background includes a Masters in Tourism, a degree in environmental science, and an automotive mechanics qualification, reflecting a diverse skill set and broad knowledge base. Professionally, she operates a business focusing on conservation and ecosystem management, demonstrating her practical commitment to environmental stewardship.


Her candidacy is driven by a desire to confront the multiple crises facing lutruwita/Tasmania, including climate change, social inequality, and the need for First Nations justice. Tabatha advocates for urgent climate action and aims to leverage her position to foster social equality and protect Tasmania's natural environment.

Her experience in media, advocacy, and political liaison positions her as a capable and effective candidate, supported by her grassroots involvement in the Lyons community and endorsements from the environmental, small business, and automotive sectors. Tabatha Badger represents a fusion of environmental passion and political aspiration, aiming to bring about fundamental change through the Tasmanian Greens' platform.

Her campaign for Lyons is grounded in a deep appreciation for Tasmania's environment and a commitment to addressing the challenges facing its communities.

What are Tabatha Badger's Political Values?

Tabatha Badger is a member of the Tasmanian Greens Party.

The Australian Greens, identifying as a social democratic party under the leadership of Adam Bandt, adhere to four main pillars. Social justice, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and peace and non-violence, reflecting their alignment with global green politics.

They champion environmentalism through initiatives like recycling expansion, conservation, and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030 via a Green New Deal, which includes investment in renewable technology and Australian manufacturing for green energy solutions. Financially, they advocate for equitable taxation, opposing tax cuts favoring high income earners, promoting a wealth tax on billionaires, and supporting the creation of a publicly owned bank.

The Greens call for enhanced welfare policies, affordable housing, rent caps, increased income support, free public transport and childcare, and debt forgiveness for students. They support universal healthcare expansion, including dental and mental health, reproductive rights, drug law reform, and legal cannabis.

Socially, they push for marriage equality, asylum rights, and gender equality, alongside political reforms like donation caps and an anti-corruption watchdog. In agriculture, they emphasize animal welfare and climate resilience, opposing live exports in favor of ethical practices.

Their foreign policy advocates for independent and transparent international relations, and they support electoral reforms towards proportional representation.

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