Who is Tim Eagle? - Highlands and Island - Scottish Conservatives - LykElect.com
Tim Eagle

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Tim Eagle - Highlands And Islands

Who is Tim Eagle?

Tim Eagle is a Scottish Conservatives candidate for Highlands and Islands seat in the .

Tim Eagle is competing against 6 other candidates for the Scottish Government seat of Highlands and Islands.

What are Tim Eagle's Political Values?

Tim Eagle is a member of the Scottish Conservatives Party.

The Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party, often referred to as the Scottish Conservatives or colloquially as the Scottish Tories, is a centre-right to right-wing conservative political party active in Scotland. It is part of the UK Conservative Party but operates autonomously in terms of leadership, internal structure, and policy creation in devolved areas.

The party is committed to maintaining Scotland's place within the United Kingdom and has differentiated itself in certain policy areas from the broader UK party, aligning with local needs and contexts.

Unionism and Devolution:

The Scottish Conservatives strongly support the union and are opposed to Scottish independence, positioning themselves as the most staunchly pro-Unionist among major parties in Scotland. They support financial devolution and the devolving of more powers to local communities while maintaining that the SNP has mismanaged devolved powers.

Economy and Jobs:

The party prioritizes economic recovery, especially post-COVID-19, with a focus on job protection and creating a business-friendly environment. They advocate for economic growth through initiatives like establishing freeports to boost exports and supporting the North Sea oil sector's transition to net zero emissions.

Justice and Law Enforcement:

The Scottish Conservatives propose stricter law and order policies, including more funding for police and frontline workers. They aim to tackle issues like violent crime, drug misuse, and spiking through legislative measures such as the proposed Spiking Bill and Domestic Abuse Prevention Bill.

They also seek to repeal the SNP's Hate Crime Act, which they argue is an assault on free speech.


Emphasizing a need for an efficient and locally-focused NHS, the party proposes a "Real NHS Winter Recovery Plan" and initiatives to manage long-term health challenges like Long Covid. They also aim to establish a Local Care Service to ensure that healthcare resources are directed to frontline needs.


The Scottish Conservatives are committed to restoring the reputation of Scotland’s schools, advocating for life skills education and the implementation of an Outdoor Education Bill to ensure pupils receive residential outdoor education.

Climate Change and Environment:

They promote a "Jobs First Approach to Net Zero," supporting sustainable practices while ensuring economic benefits. Their environmental policies include support for sustainable fishing and tackling fly-tipping in rural areas.

Democracy and Governance:

The party emphasizes respect for the 2014 referendum result on Scottish independence and proposes bills like the Removal of Office and Recall Bill to enhance accountability for MSPs. They argue for more local control over planning and service delivery, opposing what they see as excessive centralization by the SNP.

Rural and Community Support:

The Scottish Conservatives advocate for the interests of rural communities, proposing policies to address local needs and enhance support for agriculture and fishing sectors. They aim to ensure fair distribution of resources and support for local high streets and housing.

The Scottish Conservatives position themselves as a robust pro-Union party advocating for strong local governance, economic growth, and comprehensive social policies that include stringent law enforcement and significant educational reforms. They seek to balance traditional conservative values with proactive approaches to social and environmental issues, emphasizing localism and community involvement in governance.

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