Who is Tom Cone? - Bridlington and The Wolds - Independent

Tom Cone

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Tom Cone - Bridlington And The Wolds

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate -July, 4, 2024

Bridlington And The Wolds - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Tom Cone?

Tom Cone is a seasoned entrepreneur and marketing specialist with over two decades of experience, particularly in sales, direct marketing, internet marketing, video marketing, PR, exhibitions, product development, and coaching. He has been appointed by the UK Government to provide business advice in Yorkshire.

Currently, Cone holds significant roles as the CEO of MemberGate.com and as the founder of BridHub.

Business Ventures:

MemberGate.com, Since January 2016, Cone has led MemberGate.com, a 'turnkey' website builder that offers a top-of-the-line membership, subscription, and rental platform. This platform empowers clients to create, launch, and profit from their member-based services, and has recently included a Learning Management System to provide certified training.


Launched in June 2023, BridHub is a marketing and promotions business that supports the Bridlington community with what is described as the world's first 360 media service.


Co-founded in January 2021, BestSleepMagazine is a publication dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of good sleep and related health issues.

Digital Marketing Experience:

Earlier in his career, Cone managed Digital Marketing Limited, where his team created and ran eZs3.com, a video platform powered by Amazon S3 hosting. This platform serves as an alternative to Vimeo, emphasizing Cone's expertise in digital and video marketing.

Political Ambitions:

As an independent candidate for Bridlington & The Wolds, Tom Cone focuses on several key issues in his political manifesto.

Voter Engagement:

Cone emphasizes the importance of engaging disenfranchised voters, particularly the younger generation, to demonstrate that the future is brighter than what is often portrayed by legacy media.

Political Integrity:

He advocates for breaking the Conservative party's hold on power, aiming for a more transparent and accountable governance structure.

Healthcare Initiatives:

Cone is committed to addressing the challenges in local healthcare, including bringing back NHS dentistry and resolving operational issues at Bridlington hospital.

Environmental Policy:

His campaign also includes efforts to stop Yorkshire Water pollution and supports the re-nationalization of water services to ensure clean and accessible water for all. Tom Cone's diverse professional background and active political involvement reflect his dedication to community service, innovation in healthcare, and commitment to environmental sustainability.


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