Who is Tracey Nayler? - Ipswich City Divisio - The Greens - LykElect.com
Tracey Nayler

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Tracey Nayler - Ipswich City Division 3

2024 Queensland Local Council Election - Councilor Candidate - March, 16, 2024

Who is Tracey Nayler?

Tracey Nayler is a The Greens candidate for Ipswich City Division 3 seat in the 2024 Queensland Local Council Election.

Tracey Nayler is competing against 5 other candidates for the seat of Ipswich City Division 3.

What are Tracey Nayler's Political Values?

Tracey Nayler is a member of the The Greens Party.

The Australian Greens, identifying as a social democratic party under the leadership of Adam Bandt, adhere to four main pillars. Social justice, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and peace and non-violence, reflecting their alignment with global green politics.

They champion environmentalism through initiatives like recycling expansion, conservation, and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030 via a Green New Deal, which includes investment in renewable technology and Australian manufacturing for green energy solutions. Financially, they advocate for equitable taxation, opposing tax cuts favoring high income earners, promoting a wealth tax on billionaires, and supporting the creation of a publicly owned bank.

The Greens call for enhanced welfare policies, affordable housing, rent caps, increased income support, free public transport and childcare, and debt forgiveness for students. They support universal healthcare expansion, including dental and mental health, reproductive rights, drug law reform, and legal cannabis.

Socially, they push for marriage equality, asylum rights, and gender equality, alongside political reforms like donation caps and an anti-corruption watchdog. In agriculture, they emphasize animal welfare and climate resilience, opposing live exports in favor of ethical practices.

Their foreign policy advocates for independent and transparent international relations, and they support electoral reforms towards proportional representation.

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