Who is Umar Al-Qadri? - Dublin - Independent - LykElect.com
Umar Al-Qadri

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Umar Al-Qadri - Dublin

2024 Irish European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - June, 7, 2024

Electorate of Dublin - Independent - Ireland

Who is Umar Al-Qadri?

Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, born in the Netherlands, is a Sunni Islamic scholar who pursued a Master's in Islamic Sciences in Pakistan.

His family has a strong scholarly background in Islam, with his father, Mehr Ali Qadri, also being a noted scholar. Al-Qadri moved to Ireland in 2004 and has been actively involved in various community and interfaith initiatives since.

Career and Community Engagement:

In Ireland, Al-Qadri founded the Clonee Mosque and the Al-Mustafa Islamic Cultural Centre. He has held positions on various community and government advisory boards and councils, emphasizing the integration and representation of the Muslim community in Ireland.

He also writes on Islamic affairs for Irish newspapers and has been vocal about issues such as radicalization and interfaith dialogue.

Immigration and Asylum:

Al-Qadri proposes a balanced approach to immigration and asylum, advocating for policies that are both humane and practical. He stresses the importance of addressing public concerns and rectifying issues within the current systems while ensuring the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers are protected.

Housing and Urban Development:

Recognizing the acute housing crisis in Dublin, Al-Qadri pledges to advocate for policies that ensure equitable access to housing for both Irish citizens and new arrivals. His strategy includes promoting EU-funded housing projects and legislation that facilitates affordable housing solutions.

Support for Small Businesses:

As a small business owner, Al-Qadri understands the challenges faced by SMEs. He commits to pushing for more supportive policies at the European level to alleviate tax burdens and bureaucratic hurdles that stifle business growth and sustainability.

Anti-Extremism and Community Safety:

Al-Qadri has been vocal against extremism, organizing community initiatives and educational websites to combat radicalization. His policy focus includes strengthening community policing and enhancing security measures to ensure the safety of all communities.

Interfaith and Intrafaith Relations:

Promoting dialogue and understanding between different faith groups is a cornerstone of Al-Qadri's policy. He aims to facilitate ongoing discussions and cooperative events that foster a deeper understanding and respect across various religious communities.

LGBT and Gender Issues:

While maintaining traditional Islamic views on homosexuality, Al-Qadri has engaged with the LGBT community in Ireland, advocating for respectful dialogue and mutual understanding despite differing beliefs on lifestyle choices.

Peace-building Initiatives:

Al-Qadri leverages Ireland's historical neutrality and commitment to peacekeeping to propose active roles in conflict resolution and peace-building, particularly in regions like the Middle East and Ukraine.

Economic Policies and Cost of Living:

Addressing the cost of living crisis in Dublin is a priority for Al-Qadri. He advocates for fair economic policies that ensure equitable distribution of resources and benefits, striving for economic justice across all levels of society.

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