Who is Özlem Demirel? - Germany - Party Of The European Left - LykElect.com
Özlem Demirel

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Özlem Demirel - Germany

2024 European Parliament Election - Member Of The European Parliament Candidate - July, 6, 2024

Electorate of Germany - Party of the European Left - European Union

Who is Özlem Demirel?

Özlem Demirel, born on March 10, 1984, in Malatya, Turkey, is a German politician and a current Member of the European Parliament representing The Left party. She has been actively involved in politics from a young age and has a strong focus on peace, social justice, and equality.

Education and Early Life:

Demirel moved to Germany with her family at the age of five. She completed her primary and secondary education in Bielefeld and Cologne, graduating from high school in 2004.

She pursued higher education in political sciences and history at the University of Bonn.

Early Political Involvement:

Demirel's political engagement began early; she joined the youth section of the Democratic Workers Union (DIDF) at the age of 15 and later became its Chairwoman in 2012. Her early political activities also included membership in the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) from 2005 to 2007, and she played a significant role in co-founding The Left party in 2007.

Role in State and European Politics:

Demirel ran as a leading candidate for The Left in the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament elections in 2017, though the party did not secure enough votes to enter the Landtag. She successfully transitioned to European politics, leading The Left's electoral campaign to the European Parliament in 2019 and was elected on May 24, 2019.

In the European Parliament, Demirel serves as a vice-chair of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence and the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee. Notably, she was one of the 13 MEPs who voted against a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine in March 2022, expressing concerns that the resolution could exacerbate the situation.

Advocacy and Statements:

Demirel has been vocal in her advocacy for peace and social security, critical of military solutions to conflicts.

In March 2022, she was among 151 international feminists who signed the "Feminist Resistance Against War:

A Manifesto," showing solidarity with the Feminist Anti-War Resistance initiated by Russian feminists following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Personal Life:

Demirel is married and a mother of two children. She has integrated her personal experiences and multicultural background into her political life, emphasizing social justice and the importance of peaceful solutions in international relations.

Özlem Demirel's career illustrates her commitment to leftist principles, peace, and social justice. As an MEP, she continues to influence European policy, particularly focusing on defense and EU-Turkey relations, while advocating for a peaceful approach to global conflicts.

What are Özlem Demirel's Political Values?

Özlem Demirel is a member of the Party Of The European Left.

The Party of the European Left shows a commitment to combat the rise of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism in Europe, emphasizing the historical roots of the European Left (EL) in anti-fascist struggles. It proposes the establishment of a European anti-fascist center for documentation, research, and education, and the implementation of the European Parliament's resolution to ban such extremist groups.

Promoting Peace and Security:

The party heavily criticizes military aggression and the arms buildup in Europe, explicitly condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine and the US's military involvement with Israel. It advocates for a broadened concept of security that includes tackling climate change and poverty.

The EL calls for an end to the arms race in Europe, proposing neutrality and non-alignment as models for a peaceful European security order, alongside a cessation of nuclear arms and military expansion.

Socio-Ecological Transformation:

The EL is committed to addressing the climate crisis through an integral ecology approach, aiming to shift the economy from fossil fuels towards sustainable practices. This includes massive European investment in green jobs and infrastructure, promoting public ownership of essential resources, and advocating for a new green social contract based on justice and respect for nature.

Comprehensive Social Justice:

Tackling poverty and social exclusion is a central theme, with the party proposing universal access to affordable housing, healthcare, and social protection. It emphasizes the importance of feminist economics, gender equality, and the recognition of care work, proposing legislative measures to protect and empower vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Reforming Economic Policies:

The party criticizes neoliberal economic policies and calls for a restructuring that prioritizes social and environmental concerns over austerity. It advocates for the abolition of tax havens, the introduction of a wealth tax, and the reallocation of military spending towards social programs.

The EL also proposes a transformation of EU fiscal rules to allow for more socially and environmentally oriented investment and spending.

Strengthening Democratic Processes and Rights:

The EL supports enhancing democratic participation within the EU, advocating for the reform of institutions and policies to make them more accountable and participatory. It also stands for the expansion of rights for immigrants, the protection of LGBTQIA+ rights, and a robust stance against discrimination and social inequalities.

International Solidarity and Co-Development:

The party emphasizes the need for a cooperative and equitable international policy, especially in relation to the Global South. It calls for the abandonment of neocolonial trade practices, advocating for fair trade and sustainable development that respects the sovereignty and needs of all nations.

The European Left for the 2024 European elections presents a comprehensive plan aimed at social justice, ecological sustainability, peace, and democratic reforms. It calls on voters to support a transformation that integrates anti-fascism, social equity, environmental responsibility, and a fairer economic system, positioning the EL as a progressive force against the current conservative and right-wing trends in European politics.

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