Who is Farah London? - Greater London - Independent - LykElect.com
Farah London

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Farah London - Greater London

2024 British Local Government Election - London Assembly Member Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Greater London - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Farah London?

Farah London is an accomplished entrepreneur with over 22 years of experience in global trade and reinsurance. She has worked as a broker for Lloyd's of London and as an underwriter, handling multi-billion-pound policies worldwide.

Farah is also the founder of BACK 2 BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL, a platform that has facilitated significant trade and investment internationally.

Political Involvement:

Farah ventured into politics as an independent candidate in the 2021 Mayor of London elections. She secured 58,051 votes, thanks to her robust campaign focused on social justice and the unfair treatment faced by businesses and residents in London.

Despite not winning, she continues to be a vocal advocate for critical issues affecting Londoners.

Social Advocacy:

Beyond her business ventures, Farah is deeply involved in social advocacy. She has been an active participant in various social justice programs and charities for the last 20 years.

Her efforts are particularly focused on homelessness, mental health support, combating knife crime, and protecting the environment, including advocacy for cleaner oceans and saving endangered species like sea turtles.

Community Engagement:

Farah's commitment to the community is evident through her extensive volunteer work. She has supported initiatives like Greenlight, a charity for the homeless in London, and has been an NHS Responder Volunteer, assisting the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, she is involved in mentoring youth to steer them away from gang violence and drug abuse.

Recognition and Honors:

Farah has been recognized for her contributions to society and business through various accolades, including being named a Dame to the International Knightly Order Valiant of St George and being granted the title of Freeman of the City of London.

Campaign Promises:

As an independent candidate for the London Assembly, Farah promises to bring a non-partisan, focused approach to addressing London's challenges. She advocates for practical solutions over ideological rhetoric and aims to influence policies that directly benefit the city's residents and businesses.


Farah's vision for London is to restore pride in the city through community development, enhanced safety, and sustainable urban planning. Her independent stance in politics aligns with her belief that party-affiliated politicians often do not meet the community's needs effectively.

Farah London's candidacy for the London Assembly is built on a foundation of extensive professional experience and a deep commitment to social and community issues, driven by a desire to see genuine and impactful change in London's political landscape.

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