Who is Nasri Barghouti? - Worsley and Eccles - Workers Party Of Britain - LykElect.com
Nasri Barghouti

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Nasri Barghouti - Worsley And Eccles

2024 United Kingdom general election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - July, 4, 2024

Who is Nasri Barghouti?

Nasri Barghouti is a British-Palestinian candidate for the WP Great Britain party, running for the parliamentary seat in Worsley. He is a qualified civil engineer and quantity surveyor (QS) known for his courage in standing up for those suffering in the community.

Barghouti's personal experiences have shaped his commitment to social justice and advocacy. Barghouti has faced various forms of oppression, dehumanization, injustice, and hatred under what he describes as one of the most brutal occupations in history.

These experiences have driven him to stand up for the unprivileged and share his stories, aiming to make a difference in Wigan and beyond.

Campaign Focus:

Barghoutis campaign emphasizes justice and the eradication of double standards. He calls for unity among people worldwide to restore honest human values and address inequalities.

His commitment to these principles is reflected in his determination to win the Wigan seat and advocate for those who lack representation and support.

Public Support:

Expressing gratitude to his supporters, Barghouti pledges to do his best in his fight for Wigan, Britain, and justice everywhere. He acknowledges the importance of collective effort and solidarity in achieving meaningful change.


Nasri Barghouti envisions a society where justice prevails, and all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. His candidacy represents a stand against oppression and a call for unity and equality, aiming to create a better future for all.

What are Nasri Barghouti's Political Values?

Nasri Barghouti is a member of the Workers Party Of Britain.

The Workers Party of Britain, established in 2019, presents a clear, concise Ten Point Programme supplemented by a detailed manifesto. This summary focuses on their political ideology and key policy areas, providing insight into their approach towards governance, economics, foreign policy, and social issues.

Definition of the Working Class:

The party defines the working class broadly as the 99% of the population who must sell their labor for wages. This includes a diverse range of professions from engineers to part-time workers, emphasizing inclusivity within the working class irrespective of income levels.

Critique of Labour and Emergence of the Workers Party:

The Workers Party positions itself as the true representative of the working class, accusing the Labour Party of serving elite interests and abandoning its foundational principles. This critique underscores the party's intent to restore genuine working-class representation in British politics.

Economic Redistribution:

The Workers Party advocates for an economy that benefits the working class, who they believe are the true creators of wealth. They support a planned economy with a significant role for the state to ensure fair job distribution and industry regulation.

The party criticizes free-market policies for deindustrializing Britain and undermining traditional working-class industries.

National Investment in Infrastructure:

The party plans to address decades of underinvestment by prioritizing the nationalization of key industries and services, and by implementing a comprehensive national economic plan. This includes reversing privatization in sectors like utilities and transport to ensure equitable service delivery.

Foreign Policy:

The Workers Party seeks peaceful international relations and positions itself against imperialism, which they define as financial and military domination by a few wealthy nations. They criticize both major political parties for perpetuating imperialist policies, which they link directly to domestic issues like high living costs and economic instability.

Socialism and Historical Defense:

Identifying as a socialist party, the Workers Party is committed to defending the historical achievements of socialist states and movements, such as the USSR and the Red Army. They advocate for a clear understanding and appreciation of socialist history, opposing any equating of socialist states with fascist regimes.

Commitment to Trade Unionism and Opposition to Labour:

The party strongly supports the trade union movement as essential for preserving working-class interests against capitalist pressures. However, they are critical of current trade union leadership and encourage unions to break away from the Labour Party, seeking to re-establish genuine working-class power through independent and socialist unionism.

Tith their manifesto titled "Britain Deserves Better," the Workers Party outlines their vision for a reformed Britain through policies aimed at economic redistribution, national investment, and democratic participation. They urge voters to support their candidates, presenting themselves as a transparent, accountable alternative to traditional political parties, firmly rooted in socialist principles.

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