Who is Natalie Campbell? - Greater London - Independent - LykElect.com
Natalie Campbell

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Natalie Campbell - Greater London

2024 British Local Government Election - Mayor Candidate - May, 2, 2024

Electorate of Greater London - Independent - United Kingdom

Who is Natalie Campbell?

Natalie Campbell MBE, an award-winning social entrepreneur and broadcaster, has declared her candidacy as an independent for the Mayor of London. With a rich background that includes serving as the Co-CEO of Belu Water, a business that prioritizes people and the environment and has contributed over £5.4m to WaterAid, Campbell has consistently demonstrated her commitment to social innovation and environmental sustainability.

Her career also includes significant roles in insight and innovation at The Royal Foundation, launching the Kensington Creates business incubator, and co-founding A Very Good Company, a global social innovation agency. Additionally, Campbell has made impactful contributions as a broadcaster and serves in advisory roles to FTSE-scale businesses.

Her campaign for Mayor of London focuses on three main pillars:

providing good homes, ensuring safe streets, and facilitating better lives for Londoners. Campbell's vision includes creating a diverse array of housing options to address affordability, reforming the Metropolitan Police to rebuild community trust and effectively combat crime, and supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs to foster a vibrant, dynamic city.

She emphasizes the need for a CEO's approach to recovery and growth, aiming to harness the talent of young people and invest in cleaner, greener spaces, and safer streets. Campbell’s initiative, the ‘Chancellor’s Circle,’ introduced during her installation as the Chancellor of The University of Westminster, aims to connect businesses with the student community, highlighting her commitment to bridging gaps and creating opportunities.

Drawing from her own London upbringing and diverse career, Campbell presents a comprehensive plan to revitalize London post-pandemic, focusing on sustainability, safety, and prosperity for all residents. Her campaign is driven by her belief in London's potential as a great place to live, work, and play, and her desire to see the city thrive as a home for its inhabitants once again.

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