Who is Cassy O'Connor? - Hobart - Tasmanian Greens - LykElect.com
Cassy O'Connor

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Cassy O'Connor - Hobart

2024 Tasmania State Legislative Council Election - Member Of Parliament Candidate - May, 4, 2024

Electorate of Hobart - Tasmanian Greens - Australia

Who is Cassy O'Connor?

Cassy O'Connor, born on April 1, 1967, in Canberra, Australia, is a seasoned Australian politician. She was deeply involved in community campaigns such as "Save Ralphs Bay," notably preventing the development of Tasmania's first canal housing estate in a conservation area.

O'Connor has been in a relationship with fellow MP Nick McKim, with whom she shares a blended family of four children.

Political Career:

Cassy O'Connor has had a distinguished career in the Tasmanian House of Assembly, representing the electorate of Denison, which was later renamed Clark, from 2008 until her resignation in 2023. She was the first female Greens minister in Australia, serving in the Bartlett and Giddings cabinets as Minister for Human Services, Community Development, Climate Change, and Aboriginal Affairs from 2011 until 2014.

O'Connor was also the leader of the Tasmanian Greens from June 2015 until her resignation in July 2023.

Legislative Goals and Campaign for the Legislative Council:

O'Connor is now running as the Tasmanian Greens' candidate for the Legislative Council seat of Hobart in the May 2024 elections, aiming to be the first Greens member ever in the Upper House. Her campaign is driven by the desire to balance the scales in a Legislative Council dominated by the Liberals and Labor.

She advocates for a world-class health system, affordable housing, and the protection of Hobart's natural and urban environments.

Achievements and Advocacy:

Throughout her political tenure, O'Connor worked on numerous initiatives, including significant community development and environmental projects. She has been a strong advocate for fairness, negotiating good outcomes within the parliament, and holding the government accountable.

Her ongoing criticism of Chinese government influence in Australia highlights her stance on maintaining Australian political integrity and independence. O'Connor's extensive experience in both the legislative and executive branches of government, coupled with her deep community engagement, positions her as a knowledgeable and passionate candidate dedicated to serving the interests of Hobart's residents.

What are Cassy O'Connor's Political Values?

Cassy O'Connor is a member of the Tasmanian Greens Party.

The Australian Greens, identifying as a social democratic party under the leadership of Adam Bandt, adhere to four main pillars. Social justice, sustainability, grassroots democracy, and peace and non-violence, reflecting their alignment with global green politics.

They champion environmentalism through initiatives like recycling expansion, conservation, and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030 via a Green New Deal, which includes investment in renewable technology and Australian manufacturing for green energy solutions. Financially, they advocate for equitable taxation, opposing tax cuts favoring high income earners, promoting a wealth tax on billionaires, and supporting the creation of a publicly owned bank.

The Greens call for enhanced welfare policies, affordable housing, rent caps, increased income support, free public transport and childcare, and debt forgiveness for students. They support universal healthcare expansion, including dental and mental health, reproductive rights, drug law reform, and legal cannabis.

Socially, they push for marriage equality, asylum rights, and gender equality, alongside political reforms like donation caps and an anti-corruption watchdog. In agriculture, they emphasize animal welfare and climate resilience, opposing live exports in favor of ethical practices.

Their foreign policy advocates for independent and transparent international relations, and they support electoral reforms towards proportional representation.

The Australian Greens is also known as The Greens, Greens, Australian Greens, Tasmanian Greens.

What electorate is Cassy O'Connor in?

Lenah Valley Road, Augusta Road, Forster Street

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Reference: greens.org.au/tas/person/cass…

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